mY staLker... HahaHA!
To pursue by tracking stealthily.
To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.
Modern Language Association (MLA):"stalker." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 15 Jan. 2007.
姐says i have my own little stalker!! Claire Claire! haha!! She follows me everywhere around the house - from the time i get out of bed (she's the one that drags me out of bed by the way...), wash up in the bathroom, fix brekkie, eat brekkie (... 阿姨给!阿姨share!...) , watch telly, read, do my DIY facials, nap, work on my lappie, use the bathroom...... honestly even when i shower the little girl would be knocking on the door calling 阿姨!!!*knock knock knock* 开门!!Haha! And whenever she sees me preparing to go out, she'll 'hang around' in my room, watch what i do, and imitate my actions! Heee! When i apply moisturizer, sunblock etc... she'll stand in front of the mirror with me, put her fingers to her cheeks and rub (美美...) When i wear my contacts she'll keep saying 阿姨眼睛...眼睛... big big eyes!!! Heeeee! I love Claire Claire O^^O
Some shots of her in the mornings, prancing around in my room, playing with my accessories (she loves them!!), trying to wake me up with her Good morning 阿姨!阿姨起来!!s, pulling at my blanket, making lots of noise to get me out of bed... finally climbing up to my bed and sitting on me =P By that time i am wide awake *groan*
阿姨love Claire Claire *muacks*
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