bRokEn BaY (iSLand) -- caMp seM 2,07
Its been a week since i've come back from camp.
It was fun i guess...
Just that i had to spend most of my time with organising for Treasure Hunt/Amazing Race. So i kinda had to miss out on lots of other stuff... like bonding with the girls in the Lodge.
Ah well......
Neways, just some more 'worthy' stuff to remember:-
-- Broken Bay Island is really NOT an Island =)
-- We were blessed with sunshine during the day but it was horribly cold at nights!
-- I slept with 1 miserable blanket on Night 1; i thought i would freeze to death in the middle of the night.
-- I slept with 3 blankets (hoooooray!) on Night 2; ah...... much better!
-- I managed a record 6 hours sleep in 2 days =P
-- A record # of people left the 'island' early bcos "it was toooooo cold"!!!
-- Camp food SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
-- I'm blessed wtih Lodge Leaders Elle, Estee, John, Sam
-- Heidi is the sweetest work-partner i could ever ask for
-- Kris is adorably cute
-- Jason is coooool; quiet... but very cool
-- Wiky is witty (oh that sounds so lame... =P ah well...)
-- I like Estee!!! lots!
-- Mel' and Shawn are sOoooooo cute together!
-- While some people are just not meant to be together @.@
-- I'm still more comfortable in one-in-one conversations
-- Looks can be deceiving
-- I rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally dun like HER. hurhur!
-- She's a bitch!
-- There are those who talk little, work hard; and then there are those who are all talk and no action. Ha!
-- Luke's a natural leader
-- John's not. Haha!!
-- Albert's nice
-- Cnt say the same for 1 of his Lodge Leaders thou....
-- Kyra gives warm hugs
-- I think Sarah's rrrrrrrreally pretty!
-- I'm in lurrrrrrrrve. Hurhur!
-- Echo's a doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweet!
-- Even tom-boyish girls have crushes on cute guys. Hurhur! (i'm being bitchy here.... teeeehee!)
-- Camp 'dance parties' are just awful excuses for some people to get wasted.
-- Some people can really be that silly as to put themselves thru' drinking competitions when they obviously cnt handle it -____-
-- Drunk people often tell the truth; the truth must have hurt for that someone... ha! But then again, she deserved it! so...... too bad 'honey!!
-- I still love my Hoegardens most-est! ha!
-- UNO is a must at camps (or any gatherings really!!)
-- I'm a bad liar
-- Too many versions of Killer! i is confused!!!
-- Broken Bay has no reception leh........ shoooooot!
-- The beach in the mornings was absolutely beautiful thou'...
-- Bunny calls me 'Ting' -___________-
-- Sleazy guys are everywhere! Damnit!
-- Bringing that 3L plain water and Green Tea to the Island was a brilliant idea! Even if it meant my back almost broke on the way to camp with all that weight. Hurhur!
-- I miss Joanna
-- I miss Carrie
-- I miss Jasmine
-- I miss Ting
-- I even miss Fred!!!!!!
**ooOps! looks like i got carried away with the 'worthy'-to-remember list!! haha!!
*** pictures!!!
It was fun i guess...
Just that i had to spend most of my time with organising for Treasure Hunt/Amazing Race. So i kinda had to miss out on lots of other stuff... like bonding with the girls in the Lodge.
Ah well......
Neways, just some more 'worthy' stuff to remember:-
-- Broken Bay Island is really NOT an Island =)
-- We were blessed with sunshine during the day but it was horribly cold at nights!
-- I slept with 1 miserable blanket on Night 1; i thought i would freeze to death in the middle of the night.
-- I slept with 3 blankets (hoooooray!) on Night 2; ah...... much better!
-- I managed a record 6 hours sleep in 2 days =P
-- A record # of people left the 'island' early bcos "it was toooooo cold"!!!
-- Camp food SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
-- I'm blessed wtih Lodge Leaders Elle, Estee, John, Sam
-- Heidi is the sweetest work-partner i could ever ask for
-- Kris is adorably cute
-- Jason is coooool; quiet... but very cool
-- Wiky is witty (oh that sounds so lame... =P ah well...)
-- I like Estee!!! lots!
-- Mel' and Shawn are sOoooooo cute together!
-- While some people are just not meant to be together @.@
-- I'm still more comfortable in one-in-one conversations
-- Looks can be deceiving
-- I rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally dun like HER. hurhur!
-- She's a bitch!
-- There are those who talk little, work hard; and then there are those who are all talk and no action. Ha!
-- Luke's a natural leader
-- John's not. Haha!!
-- Albert's nice
-- Cnt say the same for 1 of his Lodge Leaders thou....
-- Kyra gives warm hugs
-- I think Sarah's rrrrrrrreally pretty!
-- I'm in lurrrrrrrrve. Hurhur!
-- Echo's a doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweet!
-- Even tom-boyish girls have crushes on cute guys. Hurhur! (i'm being bitchy here.... teeeehee!)
-- Camp 'dance parties' are just awful excuses for some people to get wasted.
-- Some people can really be that silly as to put themselves thru' drinking competitions when they obviously cnt handle it -____-
-- Drunk people often tell the truth; the truth must have hurt for that someone... ha! But then again, she deserved it! so...... too bad 'honey!!
-- I still love my Hoegardens most-est! ha!
-- UNO is a must at camps (or any gatherings really!!)
-- I'm a bad liar
-- Too many versions of Killer! i is confused!!!
-- Broken Bay has no reception leh........ shoooooot!
-- The beach in the mornings was absolutely beautiful thou'...
-- Bunny calls me 'Ting' -___________-
-- Sleazy guys are everywhere! Damnit!
-- Bringing that 3L plain water and Green Tea to the Island was a brilliant idea! Even if it meant my back almost broke on the way to camp with all that weight. Hurhur!
-- I miss Joanna
-- I miss Carrie
-- I miss Jasmine
-- I miss Ting
-- I even miss Fred!!!!!!
**ooOps! looks like i got carried away with the 'worthy'-to-remember list!! haha!!
*** pictures!!!
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