tHe reSt of oUr daY(s) in GotHenBuRG
Wed 3 Sep
it was all good at the fair.
we had Alex join us @ the booth. he was fab' with the local kids!! having studied with us for 3 years... having actually lived in SG... plus! i suspect lots of the younger girls wanted to talk with him cos he's pretty cute! everyone loves talking to beautiful people right?? :p
a group of us went out that evening.
took a short boat ride down the canals of the City. coolness! the bridges we had to go past were so awfully low! many times we had to bend forward / lean back / sink into our seats so our heads wouldn't hit the bottom of the bridges.
and then...! we went for dinner!!! and i finally got to eat authentic Swedish meatballs!! awesome!!! i think i have photos somewhere... will post 'em up if i ever bother to transfer them onto the lappie :p
Gothenburg being home to Alex, he took us for a walk down The Avenue after dinner.

**Photo: Goran Assner/Goteborg & Co.
the weather was just beautiful that night! it had rained earlier that afternoon, but that evening, with the rains gone, what was left was a kind of crisp coolness and freshness in the air. haha! i sound like i'm talking abt some mountain resort eh? :p but seriously, it was fab' just walking down The Avenue back to the Hotel.
then we had drinks up @ Heaven 23. very nice!
Thu 4 Sep
Gothenburg - Stockholm
nothing much happened that day.
CIS organised for us to take the train up to Stockholm.
First Class.
uneventful train ride.
Stockholm, to me, is another big, European city - very many old-ish looking buildings... some beautiful, grand archi... pedestrian walks dotted with SHOPS!! woooo!! shopping!... huge gardens in and around the City... there was a diff here though. Stockholm apparently is made up of very many 'lil islands; an archipelago-ish City. So there were a fair few bridges that linked the various parts of the City together.
no time for any 'exploration' that day. we all went out for Wine & Cheese that evening. OMG! it was like, the first time i had so much wine and cheese at ONE TIME!!! just thinking back on that evening is making me feel fat fat FAT!!! argh!!! i'm no good with wines... so i have no idea what we had now. 'xcept they were all Reds. haha! and the cheese! 9 diff varieties. and many diff crackers to go with it!! so proud of myself leh... im not a huge cheese person. but i did try abit of all 9 cheese :p didn't take to the goat's cheese thingy much. also didn't like the blue cheeses. yucks!!! but there was a herb-y thingy i loved!!! i polished that off the plate. naturally. ha!!
more on Stockholm when i find time to upload piccies :p
i is wans to watch Breakfast at Tiffany now! don't ask me why, i just feel like watching it NOW :p
it was all good at the fair.
we had Alex join us @ the booth. he was fab' with the local kids!! having studied with us for 3 years... having actually lived in SG... plus! i suspect lots of the younger girls wanted to talk with him cos he's pretty cute! everyone loves talking to beautiful people right?? :p
a group of us went out that evening.
took a short boat ride down the canals of the City. coolness! the bridges we had to go past were so awfully low! many times we had to bend forward / lean back / sink into our seats so our heads wouldn't hit the bottom of the bridges.
and then...! we went for dinner!!! and i finally got to eat authentic Swedish meatballs!! awesome!!! i think i have photos somewhere... will post 'em up if i ever bother to transfer them onto the lappie :p
Gothenburg being home to Alex, he took us for a walk down The Avenue after dinner.

**Photo: Goran Assner/Goteborg & Co.
the weather was just beautiful that night! it had rained earlier that afternoon, but that evening, with the rains gone, what was left was a kind of crisp coolness and freshness in the air. haha! i sound like i'm talking abt some mountain resort eh? :p but seriously, it was fab' just walking down The Avenue back to the Hotel.
then we had drinks up @ Heaven 23. very nice!
Thu 4 Sep
Gothenburg - Stockholm
nothing much happened that day.
CIS organised for us to take the train up to Stockholm.
First Class.
uneventful train ride.
Stockholm, to me, is another big, European city - very many old-ish looking buildings... some beautiful, grand archi... pedestrian walks dotted with SHOPS!! woooo!! shopping!... huge gardens in and around the City... there was a diff here though. Stockholm apparently is made up of very many 'lil islands; an archipelago-ish City. So there were a fair few bridges that linked the various parts of the City together.
no time for any 'exploration' that day. we all went out for Wine & Cheese that evening. OMG! it was like, the first time i had so much wine and cheese at ONE TIME!!! just thinking back on that evening is making me feel fat fat FAT!!! argh!!! i'm no good with wines... so i have no idea what we had now. 'xcept they were all Reds. haha! and the cheese! 9 diff varieties. and many diff crackers to go with it!! so proud of myself leh... im not a huge cheese person. but i did try abit of all 9 cheese :p didn't take to the goat's cheese thingy much. also didn't like the blue cheeses. yucks!!! but there was a herb-y thingy i loved!!! i polished that off the plate. naturally. ha!!
more on Stockholm when i find time to upload piccies :p
i is wans to watch Breakfast at Tiffany now! don't ask me why, i just feel like watching it NOW :p
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