we were THIS close to the windmills!!!
it was absolutely awesome!!
was reminded of windmills when re-watching Jay Chou's Secret the other day...
remembered seeing some, far faaaaaaarrrr away off to the West along the expressway, in the direction of the beach.
made up our minds to go in search of 'em... and so we did!! on Saturday ^^
with no idea where to go, we drove along the expressway till we saw teeny windmills a great distance away; they were so far away they looked like miniature ornaments on the hills -_-
turned off the expressway and kept driving in that direction, past farms, fields, teeny dusty rundown half-deserted villages, went off the main roads onto the dusty, little lanes less travelled, met a kind ah-pek (on an old bike so dusty and rusty-looking it amazes me it still runs) who offered to ride in front of us to lead us to the windmills... :)
and THEN! we found ourselves RIGHT AT THE FOOT OF THE WINDMILLS!!
blardy awesome!!
stepping out of the car we could feel the powerful winds generated by the windmills! and the roaring sounds of 'em "churning" away!!! AMAZING!!!!!!
this is definitely a 'First' for me --- First time EVER to come sOOOooo close to windmills :)))
**you can't really tell from the photo... but i climbed and stood on top of the car for this shot!!
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