Wednesday, April 09, 2008

tHe PareNts

i love my parents. I DO!! but they are so weird sometimes :p i mean that in a good, affectionate way of 'cos!! duh!!

way back last Dec when the dates for convo came out, i told them all the important details they were gonna need to know:- date, day, time, venue, logistics involved if i decided to attend the ceremony, logistics involved if they decided to go too... stuff like that.

they 'errm-ed' and 'ahhh-ed' and 'hmmm-ed' before deciding not to go because:-

1) the babies (i.e. Louis AND Ting --- not that Ting is that young anymore, but... a baby to them still. obviously.) at home needed looking-after;
2) cost involved (i.e. air tix for 2, additional hotel room, shopping... hurhurhur...!);
3) work.

so yea.

i decided i'll head back to Syd on my own.
then the sis (Yuan) decided she'll go with me :))) hurraaaaay!!

we got our tix.
we arranged accom.
we mapped out where to go, shop, eat...
we're leaving tomorrow by the way :)


... ... today! the parents decided they wanted to go tooooooo!

like, hello! the sister and i leave tomorrow! and you're telling me you want to go only, NOW??? i spent a good hour (almost two!) checking on available air tix, accom, visas... but freaking hell!! if they get their tix now, it'll cost more than double the price Yuan and i got ours for!! we're talking at least $5K for 2-way tix for 2!! economy! to SYD!!!

i told them not to get it.
it's waaaaaaaay too much to pay for, just to go attend a 90min ceremony where they'll watch me walk up that stage dressed like a fat penguin (yes, i bet i'll look very much like a fat penguin in that regalia/hood/hat), go shake someone's hand, receive The Cert., turn, face the audience, smile for the camera, then leave the stage. :p

daddy said they feel bad not being there for my Masters grad.
'so proud of me' ma says. *sniff sniff*
'we really want to be there for you'. that came from daddy.
ma asked if i would blame them for not going.

honestly, i don't quite know what to do with them. sometimes they are sooooooo... argh! they say the cutest stuff and with such innocence! is it possibly true that as one grows older (oh horrors! I DON'T WANT THEM TO GROW OLD!!), they tend to get more child-like???

no doubt i wished they were going too... hell, of 'cos i'll love for them to be there! but there are some things you just gotta be 'big' and matured about! like not having the folks spend $5K just on flights alone!!! duh! that money can be put to better use for the whole family!

but! guess this is how my parents show their love. haha!
and i love them so much tooooo! God knows i love them!


daddy, mummy, if you EVER come across this entry, well... THANK YOU BOTH! just the fact that you were even considering spending that much to watch me walk up to get that piece of paper i worked my ass off for over the past 18months... well, that's enough for me :))) now... with that money saved, we could maybe, take a family trip somewhere later this year? the last time we travelled as a family (all 5 of us. same time. same place. sorry jie! :p you're married.) was... 2005??

*fingers crossed*



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