Friday, December 07, 2012

week 23 --- 24

we're coming round to week 24 now.
six months. SIX MONTHS!
this little ball here, God's gift to us, has been growing nicely for the past 23/24 weeks now.
Thank YOU, God! Creator of Life!


since being home on hospi' leave, Mum has been trying hard to "fatten" me up.
i lost all the weight gained from the 1st 20-odd weeks when i fell sick.
and since we're already at the tail-end of the 2nd trimester, Mum has been worried sick thinking of how baby might not be getting enough nutrients.

in the beginning of it all, i was super nauseous most of the time, couldn't keep much down, had a pretty poor appetite.
all i wanted was soup.
it was all very well then i guess. 
most people do say we don't need additional nutrition, apart from what we would normally be getting if we ate sensibly, in the 1st trimester. Mum always did say, "不用那么早吃那么捕"
i figured my appetite would improve after the 1st 3 months too.

but now at week 24, i'm still not eating much more than before.

oh, i get hungry alright.
in fact, every morning at 5-ish, baby starts to kick and i get out of bed feeling extremely hungry.
some days, i have TWO breakfasts! at 5 maybe 6am, then again at around 9 - 10am.
but as the day progresses, i feel less desire to eat :(
come evenings, i sit at the dinner table, looking at all the good stuff Mum has prepared, but i take no more than say a spoonful of rice, some veg and soup (and on Mum's insistent, some meat) , and stop.
i'll feel extremely sick from eating, and just want to curl up in bed till morning.
i really have no idea why i feel this way.

plenty of online resources say things get better by the 2nd trimester. the nausea, one's appetite, energy levels...... 

ok, the nausea is pretty much under-control with meds and jabs.
energy levels... i have my good and bad days.
food-wise... gawd!!! while i have had the odd days when i'll crave good chicken rice (Five Star!), the odd carrot cakes, charkwayteows, double cheeseburgers with extra pickles... mostly i want to stick with soups, veg and fruits. that's all i ever truly want. even thumbing thru yummylicious cookbooks and mags don't make things any better. 

oh dear appetite of mine, please please please come back soon. the HK trip is coming up soon! i want to be able to enjoy all the good stuff HK has to offer!!! 

abrupt end here cos Mum wants me to go eat Birds' Nest now.
at least i can still eat Birds' Nest :)



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