VaLentiNe's daY '08
... No wait! Make that Valentine's WEEK :)
He was in town 8 to 16 Feb :))) and i got to spend 8 wonderful days with him doing (pretty much) nothing but lazing around!
8 Feb:-
He landed just before 11pm and we cabbed-it home when he finally cleared immi & customs at 11:30pm. That 30-40minutes of waiting were some of the longest waiting times ever! It felt like HOURS!!
**we later joked that his coming over on 初二was just like how if married, the couple would have to 回娘家on the second day of the Lunar New Year. hurhurhur!
9 Feb:-
The Boy and i spent the morning nua-ing before heading out to VivoCity for lunch and coffee.

We came home at 4-ish to find the rest of the family home from Msia.
The rest of the day was pretty much spent taking care of dinner, giving the parents a chance to 'get-to-know' The Boy, and then taking a loooooooooooong sloooooooooooow walk in the evening around the Estate ^^
10 Feb:-
Church at 11am.
Claire and Louis totally surprised us!! Especially Claire! It's not often she's receptive to strangers... but that day when she saw The Boy (for the first time ever!!) at Church, she didn't shy away or start to cry! In fact, i returned to our seats after Holy Communion to find her already warmed up to The Boy and giggling away as he played with her!! AMAZING!!
The rest of the afternoon was spent preparing for dinner... because that evening was our ACTUAL Reunion Dinner! With The Chua's (read: Jerome, Jie, Claire and Louis), 婆婆 and The Boy :)))
~It wouldn't be Reunion Dinner if it weren't steamboat... agree? hurhurhur.
11 Feb:-
Went for a run early Mon. morning; Washed (& waxed) the car -- The Boy did. Not i of course :p
Headed into town for food, food and more food!
Laksa, bbt at Ling & my fav. bbt hangout, local goodies - Popiah and Kueh Pie Ti at OG Albert Complex, Rochor's Beancurd place...... can die!! Ate sooooooo much in 1 day -_______-

We tried our best to work off the calories by exploring the Bugis area on foot. hurhurhur!
Oh! And we caught Kungfu Dunk that evening.
***Yes Ling, your bf was very cute indeed :p
12 Feb:-
Didn't do much during the day really...
Spent time playing with Louis in the morning before heading out for lunch.
Ah! Food! Again...! Let me tick off all the sinful stuff we had that day... Chee Cheong Fun, Soon Kueh, Yam Cake, Hakka food at Maxwell...
oh oh!!! And let's not forget dinner!!!
The Boy and i had dinner with Yuan and Yisheng... at Geylang!
And we had......
You guessed it!
Frog(gy) Legs Porridge!!
~The Boy with all the claypots and dishes :p
Haha! Yuan didn't take a very good picture here did she? All you see are the claypots but not the food inside -_____-
He tried Durians.
He was a good sport though.
13 Feb:-
Another day of aimless strolling around town... eating, taking in the sights hand-in-hand, eating, talking nineteen to the dozen, eating......
Lunched with Ling.
Ling: Pass lar.
Caught a late night screening of Jumper.
I think that was (pretty much) all we did that day.
Here are the obligatory touris-y shots taken when we were in town...
~At the Esplanade...
14 Feb:-
We shunned the crowds and money-making schemers on this day and opted for
(1) brekkie at 德宝 --- oOOOOooh! Yum-Cha! I like!!!
(2) a morning of cycling at the East Coast Park
(3) waffles & ice-cream at Gelare!!!
(4) movies - Cj7 in the afternoon; Ah Long Pte Ltd at night
Cj7 was well worth my money.
I can only think of one word to describe Ah Long -- horrible!!
Oh no! Actually i can think of heaps more words to describe Ah Long... and none of them are good! In short, it was such a waste of money & time! BAH!!!
(5) dinner at Chin Chin's at Purvis St. where i had my fav. Hainanese Chicken Rice ^^
15 Feb:-
The Boy decided to make dinner for the family since it was his last evening at our place.
And so, we walked to the Wet Market in Jurong West that morning, had brekkie - local style (read: Fried Bee Hoon and Nasi Lemak), got fresh seafood and veg, then walked home again. It was a loooooooooooong walk indeed! The poor boy... he was wearing daddy's sandals... not the most comfortable pair at that. Haha!
But i love walking with him... doesn't matter if its JUST walking you know? We could be just strolling around the neighbourhood... going round in circles... with no specific destination in mind! I still love it! It gives us time to "walk by each others' side" and just... TALK!
To say dinner that evening was good is an understatement.
The Boy fired up the wok a little after 4pm.
By the time the sisters were back from work and school, and Claire back from Playgroup, The Boy had whipped up 5 fab' dishes. YUM!!
The sisters: He passed.
16 Feb:-
All good things come to an end (or so they say...).
All too soon, we're in a cab... on the way to Changi Airport.
His flight took off at 1-ish that afternoon.
I hung around the airport for a good 15-20minutes after he went through customs; felt a little lost really... after all, i've had 8 (almost) full days with him by my side 24/7... then *poof* he's gone again :(
Neways, so there you have it...
My Valentine's Week '08
Feel truly blessed :)
Thank you God! For providing ALL that You have provided -- and i know You know i'm not taking about food food!
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