UNSW - Syd, AU
convocation ceremony
(probably my last ever... seeing as i don't have plans to do a PhD...)

it was raining so hard at noon that day, i was so afraid i wasn't going to get a chance to go round taking pictures with Yuan!! Thank God, for He cleared the skies and provide plenty of glorious sunlight later that afternoon :))) too windy for Yuan's liking though...
so, anyways...
Yuan & i, together with the ex-housies, Yanis & Wilson, went round Uni ard 3-ish... along the way, the rest of the peeps came by to take photos. some came later that night after the ceremony. a couple came after work! *sniff sniff* touched!
i have about 300 photos... can't possibly post 'em all!!
so... here are just some of my fav. peeps!
**with Yuan; not the best pic but it does overlook the whole Quad. which was pretty much 'home' for a good part of my year(s) at UNSW**
**with the ex-housies -- Ian & Malcolm (also affectionately known as 'the didi(s) i live with') -- at Quad Lawn**
** twos company, threes a crowd?? no way!!! Yanis & Wilson were just sharing with me some of their sweet lurrrrrrrve**
**Athena Fung!! MY MENTOR when i started the MCom program in '06. love you babe!!**
**along the main walkway -- the path i sometimes walk along 7 days a week to go for class, meetings and gossip/bitching sessions. hurhur!**
**the sisters :))) messy hair and all**
**outside the new ASB bldg; the place where i spent most of my last sem -- COMPEC meetings, Capstone meetings, 'waste-time-doing-nothing-but-just-sit-around-gossiping' meeting place... haha**
**with Estee, who popped out of her office to take pictures :) i'll be seeing you in HK girl! promise!!**
**with my girl**
**Carrie mei-mei**
**Heidi! sweet, innocent, always happy & smiley Heidi Hariyano :) i can't wait for you to drop by again on your way back to Indo! i can imagine us spending all our time visiting shoe shops and going makan again. haha!**
**with Olivia -- MY MENTEE turned classmate turned groupmate turned bestie :))) girl i hope things turn out well for you this year. you DESERVE something good in your life!!**
**Jonathan 'johnnie walker' Park, who never fails to make me smile**
**Daniel Chien -- one of my fav. people in Syd.; he's one of those peeps i always count myself so, so lucky to have met since O-week '06**
**the "StraTourismMkting" Blue Mtns and 100% Pure NZ proj grp peeps -- Olivia, Theresa, Frances & Michelle)
**one of my fav. photo that day - of me and my darling Yuan, who was exhausted that day from all that walking around campus. oh and from the chilling winds that day**
**with YT, Daniel, Lisa & Edward; YT was supposed to be in his regalia as well... but he changed out of his BEFORE coming to meet us for photos! duh!! :p so i missed the chance to take pictures of him in his regalia, oh, and with Whitney too!!!**
**with Sophie, Ian & Malcolm at the Library Lawn -- one of my fav. pics with the ex-housies**
**after the Ceremony; with That piece of paper in hand**
**Jeremy, who was sick, but yet came to Uni that evening to take pictures; just for that, i'll bake more yummy cakes for you when you come home 'Jerm!!**
**with Jessica & Wendy, who both came over after work; THANK YOU GIRLS!!!**
**with Bonny, who rushed down just for a hug and this photo opp. after her class; much love**
so many other people i have to thank for popping by that day to take photos... Annie, Tracy, Suhendry, Happy, Thu, Rina... and those who text-messaged, including Ting & John who were both at work.
Ian, Malcolm, Sophie... i so, so appreciate you three for hanging round a good part of the afternoon to take pictures. And Ian, for popping OUT of lecture even... haha! Don't worry lah... you are so smart... Distinction student leh... never attend class also nairmind lah...
Carrie!! one of my 'appointed' photographers :) and a jolly good one toooooo!! much, much, MUCH LOVE <3>
Yanis & Wilson -- the sweetest couple around; some of my bestest friends since the first Sem in '06.
Heidi! who doesn't like to wear high heels, yet wore them to the ceremony that day to take pictures with me :))) so touched!
and how can i forget... my darling girl Yuan!! for taking that 10days leave from work to travel back to AU with me, "only because i'm your sister"... for braving the rains and winds with me during our trip... for being so, so patient that day while the friends and i went around busy taking pictures and standing round catching up with our lives while you got colder and colder from the chilly winds that was blowing... honestly i could go on and on... but to keep it short, THANK YOU. For being my girl. LOVE!
i miss Uni.
i miss Syd.
i miss the peeps.
but i guess with the convo over, this officially marks the end of a chapter of my life... and begins another!
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