Wednesday, May 13, 2009

sOft addiCtioNs

came across an article on Soft Addictions earlier this evening...
those habits that seem harmless enough......
yet really AREN'T!!!
those casual (or so we think) things we do that actually take up a huge chunk of our time, energy, money... habits which take us away from what we really should be putting 100% concentration and effort into perhaps... work, relationships, studies... more important stuff i guess.
i couldn't stop thinking abt what i had read and came home to google more abt it.
apparently EVERYONE has these Addictions.
and they really are like, the simplest things we do!
oh oh! blackberry-ing. haha! *thinks Jo, Karen and Eleanor
i so wanna get Judith Wright's Soft Addictions: There Must Be More Than This now.
bet that'll be a good read!
i never realised there was such a fine line between a genuinely harmless habit, and a Soft Addiction! example: someone watching telly for educational, or purely entertaining reasons vs. another just channel-surfing the arvo away. who would have thought eh?
gee... if i had to list my top five Soft Addictions, i'll have to say:
texting -- i have a mobile plan that gives me 800 (or is it 900) free texts every month! and i fully utilise these 800 (or so) texts can? haha!
workaholic -- this one i guess i've tried for awhile to deny. but given a series of 'events' that have taken place in my personal life over the last few months, i'm reluctantly coming to terms with the truth. guilty as charged girls... i IS workaholic =(((
shopping!!! -- omg like name me a girl who doesn't shop lo =PPP
bbt -- i can see my sisters lol and nodding their heads off at this already. pfft! yes yes yes I ADMIT IT! i am addicted to bbt. i have it almost everyday. but, it's just like how some people drink coke everyday worrrrr! or coffee!! only i drink bbt mah... munkii you stop laughing ok? i know you also like bbt =P
K-drama marathons -- does this count??? my DVDs aren't ridiculously expensive... but i guess they DO add up to a fair bit over time...? and i guess i AM guilty of spending HOURS and HOURS watching 'em somedays......
such a random entry.


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