Here's to the start of a new "series" of Wedding-related entries :) I have a confession to make: before the Boy actually proposed, i was already buying and poring over bridal mags. :p To be very honest, it started maybe a year ago. When i would pick up bridal mags for eLin. In preparation for the gf's Big Day, and to fulfil my role as jie-mei and "PA to the Bride" well, i would pick up those mags for the girl, flip through them, religiously taking note of what to update her on dinner venues etc. Then, about halfway through it all, i started daydreaming of MY OWN WEDDING. Like seriously daydreaming about it :p I flipped through those mags so often, you would have mistaken ME to have been the bride then. Haha. Funny thing was, i never felt the need to hide the fact that i was reading those bridal magazines from him. Never had to. In fact, he very often pored through them with me :) He still does this with me now. Heehee! Only difference then and now, was that back then he probably thought i was flipping through entirely for the gf's sake. Now, it's all about me and us. Ha! But i have these mags to thank leh! It was with these mags. chock-full of models in gorgeous wedding gowns, evening gowns, banquet hall reviews and flowers etc. that i could easily point and go "oOOOOh! i like this!"... "that's pretty!!"... "next time, i'm not having this or that." with the Boy. Perhaps it is because of this (my never bothering to hide from him my not-so-secret wish to be married to him), and our bonding over the bridal mags for eLin's sake, that he knew exactly when, how and with which rock (woohooo!!!) to propose. Haha! Loves.
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