iN LoviNG MemOrY...
of mY daRLinG whitE beAr
--- the 1st (and might i add: ONLY!!!) soft toy my parents ever gave me some 14 years ago for Christmas
--- my parents were never the kind of people who gave us soft toys... at least they never were with dajie, yuan and myself; with ting, it's a whoooooooole different story
--- when we were little, our Christmas, birthday and 'good girl!! you did well for your exams' pressies were (more often than not) books, stationeries, and more books (usually Enid Blyton hardcovers); with ting, she gets to PICK her pressies >__<
bags, lipglosses, earrings, more bags!!!
anyways, back to my darling white bear
--- as far as i can remember, the only other soft toy i've ever received from the parents was a little monkey the size of my hand; dajie had a rabbit and yuan had a dog... no prizes for guessing why we got what we got x.X
--- i think i was 6 or 7 yo then :)))
--- so this white bear is (officially) the one and only soft toy my parents ever gave me that's big enough to cuddle in bed
--- i've been keeping this darling clean and WHITE for the past 14 over years (just 'cos i really don't see my parents ever deciding to give me a soft toy EVER AGAIN, so... yea... for pretty obvious reasons, i wanted to hang on to it for as long as i can)
--- now that i'm back with enough junk to fill up ANOTHER bedroom (i wish!! oh how i wish i had another room of my own!!!), i've had to start some MAJOR spring cleaning... and that means... my darling, which sadly, is no longer clean and WHITE, has to go
--- on Sunday 13/1/08, my darling (along with, oh i don't know... 3? or was it 4? bags of my old dresses and tees) was packed and picked up by the good people of some charity group that comes round the Estate monthly to collect all that newspapers, books, electrical items and what-nots for the needy
bye-bye bear :(((
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