I think we've been really blessed in shopping for our Wedding Bands. Really. I read through threads after threads in forums about how difficult it is for a lot of couples to find their Bands. I've also heard from friends, their own experiences in shopping for that special pair of rings. Most of them say it took ages! The designs weren't to their liking... the price wasn't right... the couple couldn't find a pair they BOTH liked...... these were the common reasons they found it difficult to get theirs'. The Boy and i are pretty lucky we both knew (and agreed on!! very important!) what we wanted:- Something simple... Something matte... Something that doesn't show scratches easily... not those with glossy/ shiny surfaces... Something classic... Something in White Gold... Something to wear for life... :) Knowing fully well the limited time we have together in the same place, we went for our first round of Wedding Band shopping in early July - the weekend he came to keep me company after i returned from the 10 day work trip to SL. We're not your rich, flashy, extravagant couple, so right from the start, when we got down to making plans for our Wedding, we had worked out a budget for our ROM (the Bands fall into our ROM budget). That first evening Wedding Band shopping, we went to couple of places we felt were within our budget. Places we were comfortable with. - SK - LeeHwa Prior to that weekend, we had gone into SooKee, Goldheart and Love & Co. just to look-see. Was not impressed. A long time ago, i was once very much 'in-love' with the Cherish Bands from Poh Heng. I had also once toyed with the idea of having custom-made Bands. Didn't consider these options once we had our budgets set though. Hey, we've got to look at the bigger picture right? The Bands, nice as they are, are symbols of our togetherness, as a couple. But ultimately what matters is that our hearts (and minds) are in the right place - with and for each other. I don't need a pair of rings that'll cost us a half a month's salary to show i'm "Kin Mun's Theresa".
We left both shops with our fav. in our head but the pair we both couldn't stop thinking about, were the ones from LeeHwa. However, being the sensible guy that he is, the Boy decided he'll go look-see the jewellers in KL when he returned home. The next weekend, there i was, in KL for some family thingy. We went to the places he had gone ahead to check out... did some price comparisons... fretted over the lack of designs and options available there for all of, 2 days maybe? And then the following weekend, there we were, both in SG again, in LeeHwa, picking out that pair we both couldn't get over :) And to help us make our decision on this purchase, God even threw in a huge discount for us. Haha! That's what i like to think lah :p We got our Bands at 50% off the usual price, because it was the LAST DAY of GSS 2010! And i didn't even remember it was GSS still. How cool was that huh?!
So, yup. Within a month - three weeks from the first evening we got down to shopping for 'em, the Boy and i had one item striked off our to-do list for ROM. Whew. One down, many many more to go? :p |
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