Friday, September 28, 2007
pOrt stepHeNs tRip 220907
it was an awfully long day...we gathered at uni. at 7am, finally got on the road at 7:30, and after a whole day out, returned to uni. only at 9+ that night...
to make things worst, the weather suddenly turned awfully bad after noon :( the only really enjoyable part of the trip was the dolphin watching cruise before lunch. the sand-dunes part? what a letdown! it drizzled when we got to Anna Bay... the wind was too strong and we all got sand blown into our eyes making us tear and seek shelter on the bus... the Port Stephens winery sucked...
reckon i wont return to the area unless im heading down to Nelson Bay itself with close friends or family, just to stay for the weekend (and do absolutely nothing but catch up on my reading)...
still, we did take a fair bit of photos, acting cute and posing for the cameras to entertain ourselves. photos not taken by me though... mostly by our 'pro' photographers Kyra, Anita and Dan =))) till i get all those photos from them, make do with these for now! mai-hiam! beggars cant be choosers you know..... hrmph!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
hOw i sPend mY mid-seM breaK...
(lOve) LetteR tO ClaiRe
You are turning 4 soooooon! Another year older... a 'lil wiser? I know you can sing Do-re-mi and My Favourite Things now.... =) Clever girl! *hugs*
Claire claire you have to be good ok? Please don't start crying the minute you wake up ok? You know it will make your mummy upset... and if you cry in the middle of the night you will disturb didi sleep too... Claire is a loving jiejie... jiejie will you be good and let didi sleep?
Er-yi miss you so much =( er-yi wants to cry everytime she thinks of you...
San-yi says you might have stomach flu again? Did you throw up today? Poor girl... *sayang* Don't cry ok? When you want to throw up, go to the bin in the kitchen... and throw up there... Remember what er-yi and mummy told you? Bend over the bin, throw up there... ok?
If you want Panda biscuits, ask popo to buy for you ok? Claire must be a good girl and ask nicely... say "please popo, buy Panda biscuits ok?" heehee!
When er-yi goes back to Singapore, er-yi will buy lots of Panda biscuits, Honey Stars and jelly for you!
Er-yi loves you!

*big big BIG hugs*
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
daY fOuR -- FoUr SeasOns
by far the most exciting i guess... haha! saw the leaders of China, Indo and Philippines... all in 1 morning. oh, and some guy from SG whom the media was waiting to speak to in the hotel lobby... i have no idea who he is though :p
i have no idea what the staff cafeteria serves at Four Seasons; i didn't hang around to have lunch there that day...
was feeling so so horrible... throat hurted, nose running, eyes tearing... >.<
argh! and the lousy buses not only didn't run to Circular Quay that morning, it didn't even make it past Hyde Park!!! Right off Oxford St. the driver said," let's stop!".
wtf! i practically ran across the City to get to the hotel on time -_______-
and on the way home, had to walk past Town Hall. and because of the huge demonstration there, the cops were everywhere, roads blocked, detours.... bah!!!!!!!!!
ah well, and so that was my last shift of volunteering for APEC Leader's Week.
guess it was overall just quiet on most days... hurhurhur... i think the Accomodation peeps had it good la... unlike say, the Transport peeps? or Security.....
exciting bits of the whole thing was seeing those big-shots... oh oh! and being back in the whole hotel work environment! i miss that!!!!!!!!
so now that this is all over, time to concentrate on Uni. again :p
week eight already!!!
Friday, September 07, 2007
***EteRnaL lOve***
how come the girls in the MV looks so old de...? macam older than the boys leh...
***waaaaaaaah! i just remembered:- i have their CDs back home in SG!!! must go dig out from somewhere in those storage boxes!
*****i just youtubed another one of their songs:- Falling. wah!!! i can still sing to it word for word leh!!!!!!!!
daY tWo & ThRee
wet and cold morning.
i walked through Hyde Park alone in the rain slightly pass 7am... saw a group of Chinese practising Tai Chi (i think...). they had huge banners of protest against the Ban of Falungong with them... hmmm....
neways, got to Westin on time; worked with Carmen from UWS.
i like Westin!! was there during the volunteers' orientation in July; i like how they had these cosy function/ballrooms one floor below the Main Lobby. the place looked so so so warm and cosy.
then seated in the Main Lobby yesterday, i got to see all that traffic and movement of guests and staff going in and out of the hotel.... so exciting! reminds me of how exciting work could get sometimes at Pan Pac too :)
and the staff at Westin were so friendly and helpful! from the peeps at Bell and Concierge, FD, kitchen staff...
workwise, well... relatively quiet... got asked if i was Korean... some enquires about where MacQ Bank was... general directions and stuff... oh OH! saw the Korean big-shots move out of the hotel at 9-ish? ya that was prolly the most exciting part of the day. haha!
and yea... that was it! day two. over.
day three -- Quay Grand Suites
not much happened at all on our shift this morning...
from where we were seated at the lobby, we could see the police going round the Botanical Gardens with the sniffer dogs, watch the drivers/security peeps wipe down their sparkly white cars that came to pick up some government peeps, see the big-shots being driven past on the way to the Opera House with a whooooooole lot of security and camera vans...
yep! that was about it! nothing else happened.
Quay Grand feels more like a Service Apartment Residence thingy... was quiet, peaceful... not at all like the bustling hotel lobbies i love though...
oh but the food we got at lunch was fab!!
it wasn't some staff cafeteria-fare... we got to choose our choice of main, side and dessert... and then went to pick it up from the kitchen... like room service! oh it felt like the times when Zu and i would go up to room service at Pan Pac at 2-ish in the morning for our supper while doing the night shift....... we'll stop and chat with James or Syed... or whoever it was that we got along better with (who was on duty that night...) Oh! i miss those days!!!!! :(
oh crap! and now i've lost my initial trail of thoughts...... -________-
ah well, going to try get some sleep.
yes i know its only 2pm.... but i feel sick! and i'm still fever-ish from last night! i'm going to bed.............
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
DaY oNe -- ShanG-ri La
good thing i took Bonny's advice and left Uni. earlier... else i wouldn't have been able to reach the Hotel on time!
so neways, Rebecca and i were behind the Hospitality Desk till 8pm.
and nothing much really happened tdy!!!
gosh it was so quiet!
like... ok there were a couple of questions on the transport arrangments and stuff.... and at 6-ish there was some jap press conference thingy (which i missed!!! because i was on my dinner break then!!!!! argh!!!) but other than that.... it was all quiet -______-
oh but Shang's lovely!
its tucked away from the main City Centre.... secluded... peaceful...
the lobby's lovely... high ceilings, warm lightings, the cafe on the 1st floor looks absolutely beautiful, the lounge/bar was cosy, there were cute bell boys in Mandarin-collared uniforms... haha!
oh and the food we had for dinner was.......... geez i dun even know what to say! it was just fantastic! really nothing you would have expected staff to get... haha! but then again, i seriously doubt what we were served tonight was the usual staff cafeteria-fare... we were just really lucky they served us dinner up at the rooms on 4th floor instead of the usual staff dining area..... :) ah.... all that yummy-licious desserts! ***ignores the fact that all that chocolate prolly added another 2 kg to my already-not-very-light weightcount :p hurhur***
ah! see? all that talk of delicious food has made my lost my trail of tots
-________- can't remember what i wanted to pen down liao!
ah well... going to rest early for once :) early day tomorrow at Westin!! i cant wait!!!!!!