Thursday, May 31, 2007

17 wOndeRfuL daYs tOgetHer -- paRt 1

Day 1 --

He arrived late thurs night after a long long looooong 12 hour flight from TPE.

No dramas at the Arrival Hall... just big big big hugs ^^ 我很害羞的!你不懂meh???不然?要在机场见到他就抱着哭meh???演习给大家看啊?chey

Anyways, since it was already 9-ish, we came straight home for dinner.

Good thing i had planned it all in advance... had prepared and made chicken/mushroom stew earlier in the afternoon and left it in the slow-cooker, so we came home to a hot dinner ^^

Day 2 --

I had class (and presentation!!!) that evening, so we did not go far...

Walked to Coogee Beach in the morning... had brekkie along the way... spent the rest of the morning at Coogee before heading to Coles for groceries at noon. We were talking sOOoooo much... was like trying to catch up with lost time and cramp everything we missed telling and sharing with each other into the time he was going to spend here. Uni. work, parents, Claire, my friends, his colleagues, 旺旺... everything!!

Spent the rest of the afternoon preparing dinner together before i went to uni.

oOooh i love that he is so comfortable in the kitchen... with food prep.s, with cooking, with cleaning... heeee!

Day 3 --

Did ALOT of walking that Sat.

In the morning we went to Paddington Market. Funny how when you're with your loved one, even the longest walks seem short... the farthest distances no long feel far... and time just flies...... The otherwise long walk up Oxford Street to the Market felt like a brisk 10minute stroll... we reached the Markets in time for early lunch of Aussie Grilled Chicken and Steak Rolls and did all the touris-y stuff like chocolate-tasting and sniffing our way past the stalls selling incense and handmade soaps etc. before leaving just after noon to make our way to the City.

A spot of shopping and a huge yummy Java Chip Frappucino later, we joined Daniel, Joanna, Carrie, Fred and Henry at Green Box Plus. K-歌!I like!!! Ting and Jas joined us soon after.

After that we walked to Darling Harbour for ice-cream at PassionFlower.

** I have no idea why Daniel's butt was in Fred's face... but he looks so funny here ^^

(With Carrie, Jas, Joanna, Daniel and Fred; Photographer Henry)

Then we walked back to the City for dinner at Pepper Lunch. Yes! They opened up an outlet in Syd.!!! Woohooooo!

After dinner we walked (yet again), to Circular Quay. Fred had cravings for 雪糕 (he always seems to be having cravings for 雪糕...), Daniel wanted to do drinks at the bar at the Opera House. So we walked there (Fred getting his 雪糕fix from Royal Copenhagen along the way). Took lots of pictures, had a drink at the bar, before we called it a day and headed home.

Day 4 --
Went for Sunday Morning Mass before going to the Fish Markets for lunch.
oOoooh! Yum!
But it was so so SO crowded at lunchtime on Sunday. Had to go round 'n' round looking 'n' waiting for a table. And as usual there were just sOooooo many Chinese tourists, pushing their way through the crowds and trying to cut queues. Bah!

We walked back to Darling Harbour after that. Dropped by the Maritime Museum for a look-see before walking over to Paddy's. Had initially wanted to window shop in Chinatown to kill time till we were hungry then eat out, but then we changed our minds and went to get fresh seafood and veg. Came home and i made Tom Yum Seafood Soup for dinner that evening. Heeee! 又酸又辣! 好好吃! Heeeee!
Oh, and that evening i 'introduced' the Aussie Big Brother programme to him as the telly was on while we were having dinner.

Day 5 --
The weather was absolutely glorious that Monday! We went for the Coogee-Bondi Walk. It was fantastic!!! Absolutely wonderful! The weather was just glorious! The sun was so so bright! Yet the wind was cooling. We had toast and fruits and plenty of water as we did our Walk.
Then when we got to Bondi Beach at 1-ish, we shared a Fried Mars Bar and large smoothie at the Beach. *Sheepish* did not take pictures cos we were starving and the Fried Mars Bar was so yummy-licious we dove straight into eating before we remembered we should have snapped a shot of it :p

**An elderly caucasion man who was having lunch by the beach when we got to Bondi, saw him taking pictures of me and volunteered to help take a shot of us 2 :) how nice!**

Day 6 --

Went to catch Spidey at Ritz Cinema -- my first movie this semester since coming back to Syd! Its just too expensive watching movies here lah! PLUS! Watch movie must depend on company de... 如果不是跟他,我也不会去看!我看戏也选人陪的!Haha!
Because it was a tuesday afternoon show, and Spidey was not a 'new released' movie, we had the whole (well, practically the whole) cinema to ourselves ^^ we took up about 4 seats cos i had all the arm-rest up and was stretched out there, head on his lap, while we watched Spidey do his stuff - flinging himself from building to building, giving upside-down kisses, blah blah blah....

Day 7 --
Went to the City. Shopping! Yippeeeeee!
We headed straight to QVB and within the 1st hour there, had spent a hundred odd on new shirts and jacket for him. It's so difficult to get him to spend money on himself! He's such a sweetheart... is willing to spend hundreds on a pair of shoes for me, but not willing to spend the same amount on a shirt for himself. *sweet*
Shared a Jesters' Popeye, then later Krispy Kreme donut, before we walked over to Hyde Park. Dropped by St. Mary's, said a 'lil prayer, then we walked through the City to Circular Quay.

**i love his HUGE toothy smile here... taken at the Opera House... very windy... i think this was one of those snaps where i'll go "take a picture!" and he'll bring up the camera and go chi-chak without waiting or thinking... no need to aim or wait... haha! thus, the impromptu effect ^^ **

Spent the rest of the afternoon in the area - the Opera House, the jetty area, The Rocks...

And what's a trip to The Rocks without dinner at Pancakes right? Haha! Yummy!!!

Day 8 --
Class and report due in the evening, so we stayed home during the day. I caught up with some readings and prep. for class while he watched dvds.
We went for dinner at Sushi Fusion with Yanis, Wilson and Olivia later that night. Hurhurhur... still can't forget Wilson's face when he was first introduced to him! His jaw almost hit the ground! Cos i think he never had a clue of his existence since i've never talked with him about my relationships. At least Olivia and Yanis were more composed and their reactions less drama. Haha! Wilson's expressions can be so comical sometimes ^^

Day 9 --

Rained!!!!!! Bah! Spoilt our plans for a 'lomantic' day at the Botanic Gardens.

Stayed home, curled up next to him in my pyjamas and woolly socks (cos it was coooooold!) and watched dvds till i had to go for class.

Like the previous days i had class since he arrived, he insisted on walking me to Uni., seeing me to class, walking home again alone, shower, help around the house (that evening he helped with the ironing!! oOooh hugs!), then walking back down to Uni. to 'pick me up' after class. 开心开心!好开心!**幸福的感觉** Haha!



Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"On my own
Pretending he's beside me
All alone
I walk with him 'til morning
Without him, I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me"
***Les Miserables -- On My Own***

Saturday, May 26, 2007

DepaRturE haLLs...

teary place :(
your plane took off just as my bus pulled out of the bus bay...
guess that means we both left the airport at the same time, though in different directions......
just over an hour ago we kissed and said goodbye at the airport...
i'm already missing you like crazy......
when will i see you again...?

Monday, May 21, 2007

in MeLb......

love from cold, windy, hardly-ever-sunny-but-we-were-lucky-and-managed-to-get-a-couple-of-hours-sunshine-a-day Melb O.o

more updates when i get home... too cold here... cannot think :p

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

i'M waLkinG oN sUnsHiNe...

I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!

I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!

I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!

And don't it feel goOOooooood!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

aRRivaL HaLLs...

its a beautiful place to be...
anxious faces waiting in anticipation for the arrival or return of loved ones...
the frantic waves,
huuuuuuge grins,
tears of joys,
warm embraces...
its such a wonderful place to be really!
i love the place ^^

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

my room's a huge mess now with 2 days worth of shopping dumped on the bed :p
but i is happy!!
shrugs, cardis, accessories, that new pair of tweed heels!!!
cannot take picture now! the room is so so sO disgustingly messy >.*
i say this again...
I IS HAPPY!!! ^^

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

the cemented pavement is narrow as it is...
fits 2 peeps side by side (preferably single-file, going in 2 directions)...
so why cant you just not be such an inconsiderate jerk and walk SINGLE-FILE!!!
especially when you are a BIG GUY!
when you see a girl carrying a huge bag and a pile of books in her arms coming in the opposite direction, can't you just for 2 seconds walk BEHIND your friend and let her through instead of forcing her OFF the pavement?????
blardy hell!!!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

nOw i kNow!!!

no wonder in the time that my non-SG friends take to get from A to B, i go from A to B to C!
we are some of the World's fastest walkers!
that also explains how i can make it home in 10minutes instead of the 20minutes some peeps take to get from upper campus to Randwick.
like, what were they doing??? crawling????
seriously, i find that report very very believable and accurate for ALOT of peeps frm SG.
just look at us during the morning rush hour @ Raffles Place / Shenton Way.
i used to love mornings joining the crowds at the Raffles Place MRTS and making my way to the office @ Prudential Tower...
that normally 8-10minutes walk turns into a 5-minute dash to the office (esp when we're late..? hee!)
and i loved the click-click-click of our heels...
all very in-tune ok? =P
and got rhythm leh!
*thinks quick march tempo*
i think that's how alot of us get practice running in 3 4-inch heels??
and whenever there's a pasar malam at JE...!
when i am in absolutely NO MOOD to get stuck in the pasar malam, under that narrow, stuffy walkway between JE MRT and the town centre, i zig-zag my way past everyone in under 3 minutes flat.
yes i time myself.
how lame is that =P
oOoooh, i've actually forgotten how i started off in this post. bah!
no matter, gotta go!
shopping SHOPPING!!!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

It was a beautiful weekend...
Glorious sunshine...
Temperatures warm enough for shorts and singlets...
Hardly looks and feels like autumn!!!

*drum rrrrrrrroll*

Guess what!
I didn't get to spend it outside!!!
Been home ALL weekend...
Made up my mind to finish up those reports on The Rocks, 100% Pure and Blue Mountains.
Oh and also to tidy up my parts for Services Marketing presentation this tuesday...
Sooooo yea...
It was a beautiful saturday and sunday,
But totally wasted on me

No matter...
I'll just finish up my work tonight and THEN...
I'll be meeting Veronica!!!
Yea yea yeeeeeea!
She's in town, the lucky gurrrrl...
Barely 6 months after finishing up the Course and going back to SG, and she's back here again for a break!
*stamps feet*
Next time i oso wan!!!



Saturday, May 05, 2007

fRidaY 4tH MaY 07
EQuiLibRiuM @ wOrLd sQ.
Carrie, JoaNna, Fred, ArDi, HenRY, JoHn, AtHena, TiNG, JaSmiNe, WeNdY
(and mYseLf of Cos...)
lOnG 30-40miN QueUes
iD.s iN hand
biG bOunCeRs
sExY dOOr biTcHes
that 'ChoP' on haNd
JostLiNG at baR CountErs fOr driNks
teQuiLa sHOts
midOri miDori MidOri
cOuGh-meD taStiNG sHots
2nd-haNd ciGGie sMeLLs *coUGh cOuGh*
hOt hot HoT
sHort sKirTs
SexY GurrrLs
YuMmY bOYs
bUmPed iNto VaLeRie
tRaded sEcretS
sHared LauGhteRs
mUch Love
for Me at LeaSt, it was a GoOd niGht oUt
nO faCinG the laPPie
nO tHinkiNG aBout 'tHe RocKs', 'Blue MouNtaiNs' aNd 'NZ 100% PurE'
nO teXtbOoks, eMail meSsaGes to RePLY, nO eSsaYs
Just dRinKs, mUsiC, daNce, friEndS, HuGs, lOve
reMinded of daYs baCk iN SG...
ZouK, dbO, oBar, BaLa, cHiNabLaCk
nOt YouNG aNYmoRe...


Thursday, May 03, 2007

i love the 'lil pixies from
so cute!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

...the light at the end of the tunnel...
i see it!!!
its still very dim...
but still!
i can see it now!!!