Wednesday, October 31, 2007
they're watching The Ring in the living room...
i just heard Sophie scream
i hate scary movies!!!
i is lousy, 胆小鬼 =P
i is hiding in my room, refusing to go out even though i wana use the bathroom.....
yes i repeat... i is 胆小鬼.
Sipping on a cup of Hot Choc (with extra melted dark choc.s!!)
All is calm and quiet inside and out of the house...
Sun's up; Beautiful day!
Time to tackle that Take-Home exam paper >__<
Sunday, October 28, 2007
DiNinG uNdeR tHe mOonLiGht
the peeps:- Kyra Stella Mel' John Fred Shawn (and myself of 'cos)
the place:- Bondi Beach
the occassion:- errm... dinner??
the food:- Pork ribs Lamb ribs Ribeye Portugese Chicken BBQ Chicken (all from Hurricanes... oh yum!!) and dessert --- Fried Mars Bars!!!!!!!
dinner earlier today was 'fab!!
it was a jolly good affair ^^
we got takeaways from Hurricanes and went down to the beach
found ourselves a cosy 'lil area to eat :)
company was great!
i love these guys
the food was awesome (i can still taste the juicy pork ribs melt in my mouth... ha! and i'm normally not even a huge fan of ribs!!!)
after dinner we worked off all that calories by laughing it off down by the waters, watching Fred run around on the sands like a 'lil kid, then "burying" Mel's feet with sand (she almost couldn't get her feet out of the sands; we practically buried her feet 1/2way into the sands).
ended the day with a couple of drinks back at my place.
nothing really special.
just another ordinary day.
but i'm going to miss all these real soon.........
Week 14 of the sem already!!!
actually i'm missing the peeps and all this good company already!!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
are you really stupid? ignorant? plain dumb?
can't you see i don't want to speak with you??
how lame can you get?!
your attempts at "conversations" always revolve only around superficial stuff!!
all that 'miss me' shite......
OMG! do you honestly expect me to entertain you forever??
stop it already!!
are you really stupid? ignorant? plain dumb?
can't you see i don't want to speak with you??
how lame can you get?!
your attempts at "conversations" always revolve only around superficial stuff!!
all that 'miss me' shite......
OMG! do you honestly expect me to entertain you forever??
stop it already!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
happy birthday Louis boy!
our adorable 开心果
can't wait to see how much you've grown... how strong you are now :))
happy birthday Jaime darling!!
miss you heapsssss!
i cannot wait for another 'monkeys' gathering -- where we eat lots, and scream our lungs out at K-box while taking heaps of candid pictures :)) mostly of that other monkey Lynn. hiakhiakhiak!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
. . .
why do you two always have to swear at each other?
that's not what lovers do right??
*** do you call your girl a 'farkin biatch' earlier in the morning? or do you walk through the door and say 'what the hell, you bastard' the minute you see your boy?? *mega sigh* and NO, they don't have that 'i-call-my-gf-a-bitch-in-an-affectionate-way' attitude. they are often angry and mean when they swear at each other.... :(
that's not what lovers do right??
*** do you call your girl a 'farkin biatch' earlier in the morning? or do you walk through the door and say 'what the hell, you bastard' the minute you see your boy?? *mega sigh* and NO, they don't have that 'i-call-my-gf-a-bitch-in-an-affectionate-way' attitude. they are often angry and mean when they swear at each other.... :(
Monday, October 15, 2007
Jet Li!!!
wOOooooooo... he's still as 帅 as ever!!!

look at him!
yea he has aged (who doesn't!!), he's got lines on his face now...
but he's still so so so 帅!!!
and to think daddy got to shake hands with him and take picture with him...
i tried to get daddy to get an autograph off Jet Li,
daddy refused la O.o
when daddy called to say he was going to meet Jet Li and i asked him to get autograph, his response was something along the lines of "where got (insert daddy's designation) act like wide-eyed teenage girl (he means ME... huh!!!) ask actor for autograph"....
Sunday, October 14, 2007
cOokinG fOr oNe...
the boys have 'dates' for dinner tonight
so it's me, myself and i having dinner at home
*mega sigh*
cooking for one is tough
look at these!

*** homemade gado-gado and fish ***
all for ME
dinner for ONE!!!
TOO MUCH FOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on a completely different note, you know how sometimes you meet someone for the first time and just instantly like (or dislike) them?
i met Ning today...
and she is definitely the kind of person you instantly like!!
so sweet...
so girlish...
the very pleasant, very nice, genuine kind of person i like :)
Ian is soooooo lucky leh....
Friday, October 12, 2007
i've gone and chopped off about 3 - 4 inches of my hairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
haven't seen myself with hair this short in AGES!!!!!!
i'm gonna need a while to get over this LOSS
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
(hOt) bReKkie
totally awake now thanks to these hOt stUff =P
else i might still be stoning away in my room...

***argh!!!!!! NOT ENOUGH SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fee|inG sTudiOuS o.O
Ian's right! It's amazing...! All 4 of us are still awake.... and STUDYING!!!! ALL 4 OF US!!! Normally the boys would be awake only 'cos they're playing Dota =P
AMAZING.... hurhurhur!
***ok, back to that freaking report.
Friday, October 05, 2007
tHe eNd iS NeaR...
End of another week.
Week 10 of the semester to be exact.
In the last 2 days alone, i have been reminded of the fact that the semester ends in another 3 weeks time (before the exams start that is...).
I should have more or less 4 more weeks with the people who will be leaving Sydney and returning to their own home (countries) for good after this semester ends...
Another semester end is near...
People i've met.
Friends i've found.
Relationships i've developed...
True we always part with the obligatory 'keep in touch!'... 'call me when you're in HK, KL, TWN, CHN, BKK, HCMC (etc. etc. etc)!'... 'i'll go visit you in SG!'... etc. etc. etc.
But how many of us really REALLY do that?
So many people just tend to not bother with keeping in touch once they work, find new friends, start dating, get married, blah blah blah....
How many times have i kept up my part of the 'pact' to keep in touch with emails (snail mails even! ha!), sms-es, messengers...
but really, just like the saying 'it takes two hands to clap', to maintain a friendship requires more than 1 party initiating contact eh?
oh well.......
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
cOoKinG fOr tHe BoYs...
they couldn't be more different to cook for...
one's taste and stomach is just like the person he is --- easy-going =) he eats his beancurd, veggies, fruits, loves his chilli, finishes up half a tray of my homemade brownies in one evening, is my 'guinea pig' and 'food taster' when i make desserts or try new recipes, we share the same box of cornflakes, we like our eggyolks to remain 'gooey' and 水水... haha! he's just the easiest person to cook for!
the other one isn't as easy to please though... hurhur! i have a post-it of 'do-not eats' list in my room of stuff not to cook if he's home for dinner... peas, capsicums, brinjals, ladies fingers.... haha! most times his veg and fruits are untouched.. and he's not as 'into' sweets as the other... i think he's such a typical male student here... got himself a whole carton of that IndoMie instant noodles earlier this semester... and i think he has Maccas at least three times a week??? haha! i don't think think i've actually had a proper Maccas meal in months and months! oh, make that years! heeee!
still, living and cooking for the boys has been fun. especially for Ian of course! another 5 weeks and it'll all be over... i do believe i'll actually miss making dinner for them!! i must be crazy!!! XD
one's taste and stomach is just like the person he is --- easy-going =) he eats his beancurd, veggies, fruits, loves his chilli, finishes up half a tray of my homemade brownies in one evening, is my 'guinea pig' and 'food taster' when i make desserts or try new recipes, we share the same box of cornflakes, we like our eggyolks to remain 'gooey' and 水水... haha! he's just the easiest person to cook for!
the other one isn't as easy to please though... hurhur! i have a post-it of 'do-not eats' list in my room of stuff not to cook if he's home for dinner... peas, capsicums, brinjals, ladies fingers.... haha! most times his veg and fruits are untouched.. and he's not as 'into' sweets as the other... i think he's such a typical male student here... got himself a whole carton of that IndoMie instant noodles earlier this semester... and i think he has Maccas at least three times a week??? haha! i don't think think i've actually had a proper Maccas meal in months and months! oh, make that years! heeee!
still, living and cooking for the boys has been fun. especially for Ian of course! another 5 weeks and it'll all be over... i do believe i'll actually miss making dinner for them!! i must be crazy!!! XD