Thursday, January 29, 2009


that i have a fantastic group of friends...
those who know exactly when i need them...
mentally, morally, spritually, physically (or otherwise?)...
those who never fail to cheer me up and cheer me on...
those who aren't afraid to call me a bitch and slap me awake when i need it...
those who have never doubted me and have always stood by me...
those who just SOMEHOW, know when to call me...
when to say the right things...
to make me feel better...
those who love me to bits... just bcos im ME.
so SO thankful.

***re-reading the abv, i realise my tots and words are so jumbled up and all. 'xcuse me. the tears just cant stop flowing right now.

Friday, January 23, 2009


thur 22 jan 09
1035pm colombo, sri lanka

ayubowan! greetings from colombo, sri lanka :ppp

im freaking tired!
we're 2.5hrs behind SG now.
i shd be in bed
but im watching my fav twn dramas la!!!
got chinese telly stations here lo.
so im not missing out on the twn/hk dramas!
happiness :)))

aint got much to update right now.
fairs start tmr.
went school visiting early today.
damn its freaking hot here.
felt like i was throw onto the barbie when we were out this afternoon.
argh!!! more sunblock tmr i think?!

there's hell lots of security peeps and soldiers on the streets.
every street corner, we see big black men in uniforms with rifles.

traffic is wOOOOoah!!!
totally crazy i tell you.
the colleague made me put on seatbelts. haha!

hOOOokay hoookay, this entry has no heads or tails cos im very distracted by the telly la.
updates tmr.
or maybe not.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

beeN 'miSsinG' onLinE...


'cos The Boy was in town.

(among other reasons lah :ppp

i is v bz! leaving for Sri Lanka liao.

HAPPY CNY darlings!!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

HaPPY mOrniNGs

nothing beats seeing him the minute i open my eyes in the mornings

Saturday, January 10, 2009

oUr 'Lil "sEcret"

by request of the munkii.
private joke.
u know, i know.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


*whistles loudly, clapping hard*
CHEERS FOR 2009!!!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

aKaN DatanG...

bits and pieces from the last trip to Taiwan --- Dec 08
too busy to blog now
babysitting duties aplenty in 2009 =PPP