Thursday, February 26, 2009

sO sInfUL but oh sO GOOD!!!

nutella on toast for brekkie

waLkinG iN hiGH heeLs...

there are days when i absolutely LOVE strolling down the streets on my own at night after work...
in my high heels - the higher the better :ppp
plugged into my playlist of 'rihannas, kt tunsells, ushers, chris browns, coldplays..."
on such days, i can walk from the workplace right down to the Suntec/Esplanade area, or up to the Orchard/Tanglin area, and not feel the slightest bit tired.
just want to walk on and on...
lost in my own tots...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

mOvie "mAratHOn"

i have no life.
i actually get excited thinking of all the movies i can watch on the planes with all those work trips coming up this month end, and throughout the next month.
i is pathetic la!!
Australia... Slumdog... Twilight... Doubt...
macam loooong time never watch movie liao! :p

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i miSs haVinG mY owN kitChen

was looking at the piccies of all that cooking and baking i used to do back in Australia...


i miss having my own kitchen...

and taking stock of everything myself...

i miss cooking.

and baking.




really should get back into it again.
one of the last things i made...
strawberry-tiramisu for Olivia's bday. i think we were @ EasyWay when this was taken...

Friday, February 13, 2009

dOn't aSk =P

butter fingers clicked on the wrong tabs...
lost the 'ol prettier blogskin T_____T
decided to just make do with the standard black one for now.


haven't had the mood and heart to write here for the past few weeks.
blogging is like anything else isn't it?
you have to be in the mood for it :p
and frankly, the past few weeks, i haven't had the mood for it at all.
im on sick leave these 2 days
horrid fever.
throat infection.
what nonsense.
shouldn't have stayed on for debbs' suprise party the other night.
KFC? and choc cake?
no wonder throat infection la!!! haha!
oh well, least im getting lots of sleep.
slept most of yday, waking up only to throw up. ugh!
the kids were here yday.
but i couldn't hug them.
Claire was so sweet.
she understands er-yi is sick and can't talk or hold her or anything.
i was lying down on the couch... she came up and like, sayang-ed me, then sat near my feet and read to herself quietly... didn't disturb me or anything...
awwww. sweets!
the past month.
the work trip to Sri Lanka.
it was fab' really.
you know i would have never ever considered SL as a holiday destination? but after that trip, i've totally changed my mind.
yes i know i know...
there's heaps of violence and unrest in some parts of the country, but hey! that's pretty much the same worldwide right?
anyways, so yea.
pretty beaches.
great food.
friendly people.
CNY 09.
reunion dinner came slightly later for us.
cos i came back home only the night of Chu-yi from SL.
so we had the whole steamboat and lou-shang thingy on Chu-er.
it was all very quiet for us this CNY.
hmmm, come to think of it, CNY is always quiet for us :p
personally, i only ever loved the fact that CNY was a time we would drive back to Mantin as a family, to see gong*2 and po*2 in the village.
but since gong*2 left us...
well... yea... CNY pretty much means little to me now.
parties, parties, more parties.
my one resolution for 09 was to drink less.
tsk tsk!
guess what they say is true: resolutions are meant to be broken. ha!
before Jan was even up, i had more than broken that "drink less" resolution :ppp
yea, i have heaps of that.
like, as i sit here writing, the mum is going on and on about everything and nothing, all at the same time!
money issues.
family issues.
marriage and relationships.
the tv being too loud.
yadda yadda yadda.............
like seriously, as if i dun get enough stress at work.
all these unnecessary pressure to add to it???
it's honestly enough to make me constantly ask myself: WHY THE HECK DID I EVER COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i mean, really, i love my family and all, but i really really wish people thought for ME too... instead of my having to look out for and think for other people all the time.
im depressed.
shall end here abruptly.
so there!

***all piccies on FB cos i have no mood to repost 'em here.