Sunday, September 27, 2009

iNconSistEnt UpdatEs

i really am pretty bad with updates these days am i not? i never did get round to writing about the 2-week SYD break last month. now that we're almost moving into the last quarter of 2009, geez..! i've kinda lost all that 'mood' to write about those 14 beautiful days DownUnder =P
ah well... time to move on then i guess.
3 more days before we hit Q4! wtf. time to reassess the last 9 months and try cramming whatever i need to achieve in 2009, into these last 3 months of the year!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

gOOd RiddaNce!!!

going through my boxes of old mail and "treasures", i came across stuff from one of the ex.
the one i gave 7 [almost 8] of the best years of my life to... those carefree, poly and Undergrad years... here in SG and in Perth.
the one who hurt me the most with his cheating...
the one with whom i was so naive as to believe, everytime he said he was sorry and would change...
today i shred (and i do mean it when i say "shred") and threw all the love letters and cards he had ever given me, away.
not that there were many to start with really...
pfft! he only gave me the first letter after the 6th year when he was trying to win me back after i broke it off with him upon my return to SG from Perth. wtf.
all those, "please forgive me" and "it won't happened again" shit...
and to think i was dumb enough to believe it all and gave the r/s what must have been the 3rd try (i think) then.
i really was dumb huh?
thank God i finally FINALLY woke up!
thank God i was able to have a fresh start when i went to Sydney.
my only regret is that i have albums of photos i can't burn cos we were together for so long, he was at every other family gathering, so his fucked-up face is unfortunately in a fair bit of our photos :(

Thursday, September 24, 2009

after the storm...

almost cried (in shock and sadness) when i saw the piccies of Sydney covered orange/red after the dust storm.
go read and see the piccies on the Sydney Morning Herald website
oh God i pray for VERY heavy rains to wash away all that dirt and dust so that all my friends there get clean air and clear skies again soon!
so, so, SO upset.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

bORinG woRk 'uNiforM'

my 'attire' for exhibitions are sOOOOooooo boring now. wtf!! boring pants, boring tops, plain black heels. wtfwtfwtf! i never used to dress like this for exhibitions... in China i was packing dresses after dresses after dresses!!!
i blame the horribly warm, humid weathers. wtf!
so no mood to dress up.

Friday, September 04, 2009

caN't smiLe w/O u...

one of those days when i wake up missing you like mad and wants to do nothing else but [attempt to] cry the loneliness away.

jkt 030909 - 070909

another city.
another hotel.
another night of dining alone.
on the bright side though, plenty of time to clear emails!
and read!!
finally, FINALLY reading A Thousand Splendid Suns.