Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Just a short, simple text.
Yet it made me smile so much my cheeks hurt now ^^
Words that brought such warmth and happiness to me on this cold, rainy evening.
Happiness that seemed to radiate from me as i walked the last part of the journey home from the station.
ilu hun.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
hOLiday plaNs witH kidS
was reading the papers the other day and came across a 2-page spread on how it was the year-end holidays again and parents were trying to decide how best to keep their kids entertained (yet still keeping it educational i'm sure --- us being in sg and having that kiasu/must win/be #1 mentality) these last 6 weeks of 2009.
there was a whole bunch of activities available and recommended... from mini camps and sleepovers, to museum visits, fun classes, performances......
the children now are sOOOOooooo lucky. i never had such options when i was little... not that i'm complaining or anything. i always had the parents and the sisters at home for company. we'll play lots of lego and go roller-skate and spend evenings after dinner at the playground back in subang. and we went on roadtrips across msia often enough back then. but oh! visits to museums tailored for kids! and chocolate-making classes for kids! wo yaaaaaaaaaoooooooo :(
anyways, the news article got me thinking of what i'll do when i do have little monster(s) of my own :p
depending of 'cos on the time and age of the monster(s), here's my list of top 5 activities i'll love to get 'em involved in during school holidays:
oh well, one can dream right?
abrupt end cos i'm done dreaming :p
there was a whole bunch of activities available and recommended... from mini camps and sleepovers, to museum visits, fun classes, performances......
the children now are sOOOOooooo lucky. i never had such options when i was little... not that i'm complaining or anything. i always had the parents and the sisters at home for company. we'll play lots of lego and go roller-skate and spend evenings after dinner at the playground back in subang. and we went on roadtrips across msia often enough back then. but oh! visits to museums tailored for kids! and chocolate-making classes for kids! wo yaaaaaaaaaoooooooo :(
anyways, the news article got me thinking of what i'll do when i do have little monster(s) of my own :p
depending of 'cos on the time and age of the monster(s), here's my list of top 5 activities i'll love to get 'em involved in during school holidays:
- activities/ workshops at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden - simply bcos i love that place!!! i love that it's such a quaint lil garden just for kids! the playgrounds, the treehouse, the many fruit trees and flowers and streams......
- music and dance classes - nothing too taxing really. just one-off short programmes to expose them to different music and dance activities. like the Belly Dance for Childrens thingy going on at some CCs now (how cute!!!). im not trying to turn them into professionals so no need for intense, regular, long-term classes... just things they can pick up for fun!
- visits to museums!!! the national museum, ACM, toy museum... i think visits to museums are definitely great family outings, especially when the museums have activities specially tailored for kids! (thinks: Children's Season at the National Museum of Singapore. Mozart - A Child Prodigy!!!)
- kiddy cooking/ baking classes? and visits to food "factories" - one of the things i liked very much on roadtrips DownUnder was going in and out of different food "factories" or "companies" such as the Fudge making places, candy stores, ice-cream places and chocolate companies. it was all so fun! plus you get to taste heaps of yummy-licious junk.
- movie marathons - okay, this i guess we can do at home. but i'll love to make an occassion out of it. the whole family in pjs and fluffy pillows and popcorn and... and a good home entertainment system! ha!
oh well, one can dream right?
abrupt end cos i'm done dreaming :p
Friday, November 13, 2009
aLL iS caLm...
Woke up at 6-ish this morning and just wandered around the house aimlessly.
Too early for brekkie...
Too late to go back to bed...
Too early to start getting dressed for work...
Too late to give myself a "home-spa" morning bath :p
I stood out on the balcony with my cuppa vegemite for a while, watching the trains pull into and out of JE station.
Then realised it was too quiet for a weekday morning...
Looked to right... Town Hall Rd was EMPTY!!! Like, not a car in sight kinda empty! Everyone sleeping-in maybe? Haha!
I will miss living here.
The movers brought over some 20 yucky looking brown boxes yesterday. Will have to do some major packing this weekend.
oOOOoooh! in just 10 short mins, traffic on Town Hall Rd has gone from empty, to JAM-packed! ha! hope ya'all have a good trip to the office/school/wherever it is you're heading :p
geez, this is all so random. im just bored on a friday morning.
looks like rain coming :( overcast skies. such gloomy weather for a friday!
oh well... time to get ready for work.
*hums to self: what to wear? what to wear? what to wear???
Too early for brekkie...
Too late to go back to bed...
Too early to start getting dressed for work...
Too late to give myself a "home-spa" morning bath :p
I stood out on the balcony with my cuppa vegemite for a while, watching the trains pull into and out of JE station.
Then realised it was too quiet for a weekday morning...
Looked to right... Town Hall Rd was EMPTY!!! Like, not a car in sight kinda empty! Everyone sleeping-in maybe? Haha!
I will miss living here.
The movers brought over some 20 yucky looking brown boxes yesterday. Will have to do some major packing this weekend.
oOOOoooh! in just 10 short mins, traffic on Town Hall Rd has gone from empty, to JAM-packed! ha! hope ya'all have a good trip to the office/school/wherever it is you're heading :p
geez, this is all so random. im just bored on a friday morning.
looks like rain coming :( overcast skies. such gloomy weather for a friday!
oh well... time to get ready for work.
*hums to self: what to wear? what to wear? what to wear???
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
If i couLd have jUst oNe dAy mOre :(
maybe a couple of days.
or a week.
a month maybe? *fingers crossed
how about a year or two?
better yet a whole lifetime?
with u.
i miss u already.
he came... and left.
im alone again.
my heart ached so bad as i watched him leave for the airport.
i forget how dreadfully sad it feels to have to say good-bye... even if only for awhile.
counting down to nov 22 now.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
giddy with happiness
two days before my man-friend ('Ling says i shouldn't be calling him "the Boy" since he is, afterall, a Man :p hurhurhur) gets here!!!
i am sOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo happy!!!!!! <--- understatement
3d/2n MedaN, iNdo.
was away in Medan for work last weekend

first trip there
and all i did was WORK
all i SAW was the Hotel, Agt's Office, the High Schools i was going in to do my presentations, the Airport :(
dead tired from the trip
basically rushing from place to place from the minute i landed at the tiny "Intl" Airport
the nxt person who says i hv a fab' job traveling cos it's such an easy job...? im sOOOoooo going to slap the damn fella
thank God the Hotel room was comfy enough [not the most fantastic hotel but good enough when im dead tired and just can't wait to get away from the heat, noise and chaos that we seem to get across all cities in Asia these days, and stay holed-up in the hotel room with AC and Internet and fab' bathroom amenities and a huge-ass bed to crash into]
~~~bathroom with it's floor-to-ceiling glass windows~~~
~~~ oOOOOoooooooh!!! gimme sleeeeeeeeep zzzzzzzz ~~~
~~~ work area. love hotels that offer free Internet use ~~~
pssst... see? i am boring like that. i dun even take pictures of anything else apart from the room i sleep in while on my trips now :(