Thursday, January 25, 2007
was on 105 heading into town earlier today...
there was this girl seated behind me..
she was eating on the bus (whatever it was, it smelt real nice.. haha!) ...
and she was chewing so loudly i could hear her very clearly!!
chomp chomp CHOMP!
i bet you she was chewing with her mouth OPEN = . =
she alighted somewhere along Commonwealth area...
i got a gooooood look at her....
she was quite chio ok!
probably 18, 19 years old...
nicely dressed (nice shoes, nice top, nice bag, prettyly madeup.......)
how can someone who looks so pretty eat like..... (eUw!!!!) THAT!!!
if it had been a guy, haha! can understand lah! burps and farts seem to be part of a MAN...!
but a girl!!!!!!! A PRETTY GIRL!!!!!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
*** pOcketfuL of StaRs ***
i can even continue playing with Louis sitting quietly on my lap!!! :)
batHtiMe cLaire!
but this week? woah!!! amazing! she's like, totally fine with the water!! she keeps putting out her tiny palms to 'catch rain! catch water!' :) infact....! she's having such a good time, i had to drag her out of the bathroom!!!! >.*
sigh.... kids...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
mY 'gOing-away' preSsie
a 'going-away' pressie :)
you found something i absolutely LOVE!!! yet something so small & compact i can bring away with me!!!
i so so so SO LOVE you!!!
**i fell asleep with JJ singing last night :)
and the '07 JJ Calender is already in my luggage!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
mY staLker... HahaHA!
To pursue by tracking stealthily.
To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.
Modern Language Association (MLA):"stalker." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 15 Jan. 2007.
姐says i have my own little stalker!! Claire Claire! haha!! She follows me everywhere around the house - from the time i get out of bed (she's the one that drags me out of bed by the way...), wash up in the bathroom, fix brekkie, eat brekkie (... 阿姨给!阿姨share!...) , watch telly, read, do my DIY facials, nap, work on my lappie, use the bathroom...... honestly even when i shower the little girl would be knocking on the door calling 阿姨!!!*knock knock knock* 开门!!Haha! And whenever she sees me preparing to go out, she'll 'hang around' in my room, watch what i do, and imitate my actions! Heee! When i apply moisturizer, sunblock etc... she'll stand in front of the mirror with me, put her fingers to her cheeks and rub (美美...) When i wear my contacts she'll keep saying 阿姨眼睛...眼睛... big big eyes!!! Heeeee! I love Claire Claire O^^O
Some shots of her in the mornings, prancing around in my room, playing with my accessories (she loves them!!), trying to wake me up with her Good morning 阿姨!阿姨起来!!s, pulling at my blanket, making lots of noise to get me out of bed... finally climbing up to my bed and sitting on me =P By that time i am wide awake *groan*
阿姨love Claire Claire *muacks*
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
YuFen & JaiMe

Thursday, January 11, 2007
tOO many phOtofraMeS!!!
i'm cleaning (& clearing) out junk from my room...
not that there's alot of MY stuff left in MY room mind you...
cos i'm already not left with much since bringing 1/2 my possessions to AU...
cos i had to clear out space for Claire & Louis's stuff >w<
hmmm............i forgot what i was going to say!
darn it!
so anyways,
was cleaning & clearing whatever i'm left with in my room...
i realise i have so so SO many many MANY photoframes!
colorful frames, woody -woody frames, cheapo looking frames, expensive anti-rust metallic frames, cartoony frames...
frames with yellowy (is there such a word???) looking photos in them, frames with those neo-print sticker photos, frames that are..... EMPTY!!!!
the (horrible) thing is, when i try to recall when i got them..... *gasp* i realise none were MY OWN purchases!!!
they are all GIFTS!!
shock shock horrors!!! were photoframes the IN-thing to give as gifts??? =P are they still the IN-thing???
people people! listen heeeeeeeeere.....
please do not, i repeat DO NOT give me ANYMORE photoframes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have enough of them to last me till........ 50! (i think...)
geez! bah!!
at last count i have 12 empty frames lying around in my room! = . =
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
God sure made us differently...
we, women, its like we were born with some kinda 'clock' in us... something that just makes us so much more alert and sensitive to a kids' every move and cries... the minute the baby starts stirring we wake up to get milk... the minute the kid goes 'aaaaaaaaeeeeeh' in bed at 3am we're awake to tend to them.... regardless of whether we're got work, school, appointments early the next morning, a freaking headache(!!).... we'll still be up and ready to change diapers, get milk, blah blah blah................. and we don't ever complain do we?? (well, maybe we do but not the way the men do! gosh you should just hear them when they have to wake up at 3am to pat the kids back to sleep once in a while.......bah!)
the men meanwhile.... *rolls eyes*.... they can sleep through the night even with the kid sleeping in the same room!!! and in the rare case that he does wakeup, its to get the wife/mum/sis/sis-in-law (any women sleeping in another room somewhere else in the house) to tend to the kid!!!!!!!!!!! when the woman arrives he goes RIGHT BACK TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!! BAH! and they have the cheek to complain the next morning that they didn't sleep well 'cos they were up when the kid cried.... yea he was up alright, all of 2 minutes! =P
yup! God sure made us different alright! = . =
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
sUnday oUt with Lynn
had Tiong Shian porridge with Lynn for lunch... going to Chinatown for Tiong Shian porridge is one of those things i miss lots being away from SG... absolutely love their fish porridge ^^ the place was packed (no surprises there!). Lynn & i had to settle with sharing a table with a family of four (they ordered their claypot! frogs' legs! WAH! i oso wan!!!!!!!! slurp!). we were literally under the sun can? My Gawd! good thing it was windy... and Thank God for SUNBLOCK!!!!!!!!!!! woohooooooo!
after lunch, we trawled the flea markets of China SQ Central and Far East SQ (nope... no purchases made... i was strictly looking ONLY)... then made our way to Mustafa.
we spent the rest of our afternoon there... Lynn got a new backpack for her trip to TWN (she's going this month end! Jetstar tixs only $300+ i also want to gO! = . = ) ... and we also picked up lots (and i mean LOTS!) of Indian incense for her Taiwanese friend - we went down all 4 aisles selling incense... SMELLING our way through it all >.* she also got Indian crackers, chilli sauce(!!!) , instant noodles (!!!! why would a Taiwanese want our Maggi noodles when they have the bestest instant noodles in TWN??? *faintz*) ......
then we walked down Serangoon Road (very exciting walking down that area ok? so much to see! so much to hear! and so much to eat!!! haha! its just like trying to make your way through the Taiwanese Night Markets, but instead of Chinese, there are more Indians and Malays there... i don't get why some of my friends think its such a big deal going to Little India... some people actually said i'm very brave to want to go there! bah! what's up with THAT?? duh! -- but that's a story for another day ^^ ), back towards Selegie area, for................... tau-huey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM! i can never remember what that place is called... i just call it "that tau-heuy place lah!" heehee!
it was six-ish (close to seven) when we left to walk to the National Library. Lynn had books to drop-off see? else i would never think of going to the library - don't ask me why. i just never think of going there.... bah!
went home after that. good thing we decided on taking the bus... and there were seats!! else Lynn's new backpack... SO BIG! surely cannot make it on the train! haha! we'll be given the evil-eye by other commuters if we took the train from Bugis. haha! and on a Sunday evening when people are trying to get home after a day out! O^^O
according to Lynn, we walked alot today! think its the 1st time Lynn walked so much in one afternoon. haha! she said it was good exercise & that she felt healthier. haha! Lynn you damn jialat! if you do come Sydney to visit me i'll make you walk 20minutes to Coogee Beach every morning for your suntan ok? then 20minutes walk back home in the evening. haha! oh and we'll WALK to the next suburb for groceries how's that? ^^
* Thank God it was windy most of yesterday!
** oh oh! i finally got to have bak-kwa since coming back to SG! heeeeeee!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
i need SLEEP!!!
every time she so much as stirs in her sleep, i'm awake... all senses alert.... in case she needs milk, needs a hug, needs attention >.*
and i'm not even her MOM!!!
is that the way its suppose to be??? do all moms, babysitters, anyone who takes care of 'lil kids go thru such a period where you absolutely do not get the sleep you need??? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate to think what will happen when i have MY OWN KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i so so SO need zzzzzzzzzzzz =.=