I slept for 12 hours straight! Prolly the longest i've slept in ages!!! Cool! Haha!
Yea im back from Milson's Island. Got home last night. Had a looooong shower, dumped everything that needed washing into the machine, and then went to bed. Didn't wake up till 10minutes ago... Heee!
The Camp went ok i guess... minor hiccups here & there... but i guess you can't expect 100% prefection when trying to organise something like this for a hundred & forty odd peeps!!!
My voice is real "sexy" now... Ha! Im about 2 shades darker then i was 3 days ago... im badly in need of a detox -- too much alcohol and junk food... before last night's 12 hours' rest i was badly in need of sleep as well since both nights at Milson's Island i had an average of 3 hours sleep each.... i am so glad i have no class today!! Time to just nua at home!!! (Plus its raining outside! Rainy days = good weather to sleeeeeeeeep! Woohoooo!)
Okok... back to the Camp...
Day One - Fri 2 Mar
Was in Uni. at 10:15am.
Got all the campers to sign-in.
Everyone was loaded onto 3 buses... and we were off! Heee!
Arrived at Milson's Island sometime after 3.
There was the usual ice-breaker activities and stuff....
Then everyone got organised into their respective Lodges.
Can you blardy believe it? I was picked to be a Lodge Leader! Bah!!! ME! Whoever nominated me for that position (i still don't know who it was....) really really nice loh! =.= Imagine me... who's a head shorter than most peeps, voice far softer than almost ALL my friends, by nature shy and soft-spoken... having to lead a bunch of peeps taller, louder, all more hyper than me loh!
***The Lodge Leaders
My 'partner' was Will.
Will's a nice guy i guess... tall, dark, pretty good-looking... i happen to know some girls who were very envious that i was supposedly 'working' with him as Lodge Leaders... but, well... i guess i just didn't get to see a very very good side of him during camp... maybe 'cos......I had some pretty annoying peeps in my Lodge =.=Who happened to be his friends...Who basically did nothing much 'cept smoke, drink, leave a huge mess in the common area of our Lodge, swam & laze by the pool, soaking up the sun, not participating in the camp group activities, turning up in the dining hall only to eat....Will, on his own, seems nice... really...But put him together with them? *sigh* So neways, after dinner and all the 'getting-to-know-you' shite, it was time for Trivia!!!As i was part of the organizing team for Trivia, Will was left to lead Lodge 2 on his own. It was all fun i guess... lots of silly games... competitions... lots of shouting, laughing, crying (for the organizing team - 'cos the campers were just so wild! too wild! that we girls almost couldn't control them.... i think it was all that shouting at the campers to 'shut the f*** up' that night that brought about the start of the loss of my voice =.= )
***Mario, my 'partner' for the Trivia Emcee-ing ; he's TALLLLLLLLL! VERY TALL! im like a drawf next to him! -_______-
Our Lodge came in last for Trivia night's activities... haha! I had initially thought nothing of it 'cos its just a game! But later that night, some guy in my lodge made a very cutting comment... saying "oh you're our female leader, but you weren't even around... no wonder we lost... you weren't even committed to us...." What the hell!!!!!!!!! That comment, whether he was kidding or not, hurt damn bad! :( I went outside and had a whole lot of beer with JM and some of the COMPEC Execs after that.....
Day Two - Sat 3 Mar
The day i got tan =.= i hate it. bah!
It was hell sunny on Sat.! No amount of sunscreen helped leh.... i'm still darker now than i was before.... I HATE IT!!!
After all the games and stuff under the sun during the day, it was 'Dance Party' at night. Wasn't all that fun actually... had quite a bit to drink before they ran out of alcohol -.-'"
***With Rach and CharlotteThen we left... to play Silent Killer!!! Wahahaha! I like! The fact that i was playing with the Cantonese speaking group made it more fun! Haha! Challenging for someone like me, whose Canto is only so-so... but it was FUN! I like I LIKE!!!Also, hanging out with those peeps was hell better than having to return to my lodge and face the mess some peeps made >.< Day Three - Sun 4 MarLast day.Treasure Hunt/Amazing Race.Will was no where to be seen when the Race started. Some guy (again) passed a very rude comment to me about why 'the other leader' wasn't around.... and also questioned my leadership skills when some peeps from the Lodge didn't turn up to participate for the Race while the rest 'did all the work'.......... :( I didn't really know how to answer him. Plus i really had no idea where Will was :(But i had Jon! He was so damn cute. Running ard with the map... leading.... Thank Gawd there was at least one very very sensible/ sensitive/ thoughtful/ all-things-good guy then!Oh! and Mel! Gotta love her for being so 'resourceful'!!! Left her to lead a couple of them for the Hunting part.... damn she's GOOD!!! Our Lodge had self-made tampons, tux, orange panties, doll..... WAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!We came in first place for the Race/Hunt. heeeeee!
***Us -- after the Race

***Orange bikini!!!!! Wendy wants to grab Jon's man-boobs. HAHA!
***Lodge 2 best campers Jon and Mel ^^
Oh! Will turned up a couple of 'stations' into the Race, so at least i didn't have to answer the fella who was questioning me earlier on.
***Outside our Lodge --- everyone (almost everyone) do the Koala ears!
Geez, i haven't written this much in ages! I've already forgotten how i started off in this entry! Bah! I think i'll go sleep another 12 hours. And i have to wear long-sleeves for the next few weeks!!!!!!!!! Need to get back that fair fair skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *.<