Day 14 --
Back in Syd. we slept in that Wed. morning.
Woke up at 10-ish to make 糖水(sweet dessert) for him.
Then we spent the rest of the day at the Royal Botanic Gardens -- soaking in the sun. Us 2.... and about a few dozen Jap High School kids on excursion with their teachers :p Those kids were so so SO rowdy can? Them and their irritatingly high-pitched chatter >.<>

Day 15 --
Slept in again till it was time to go catch Pirates3!!! Woohoooo! Johnny Depp is just fab.!
I know i'm not going to watch any movies here again this sem. Next sem? We'll see if there's anything really worth spending 14bucks on... But when i'm back in SG? Heeee! That'll be different! Must go catch Harry Potter! And i have to check with 'Ling if there's any Kor./HK movie coming out in July. Heeee! 'Ling! Keep a lookout ok?? I miss movies with you... you with your Doritos, and me with my salted/buttery popcorn O^^O
oh! i digress.... :p
Anyways, back to our time here in Syd. I think we were both dreading the end of his stay here.... i know i was :( Only 1 thought kept running through my head... 2 more days and he'll be going back to Twn. When am i gonna see him again?
Day 16 --
Made pancakes for brekkie ^^ Yum!
He wanted to have baked salmon for dinner that night so we went to Paddy's for fresh salmon and veg.
Popped into K-Square to K-歌 (Yes, just us 2 ^^ for 2 hours. And no! We're not tired of hearing ourselves sing yet. Wahahah!) before coming home.
He walked me to class, picked me up later, and we came home to make dinner together late that night. He's so comfortable in the kitchen... i love to see him take control and do the slicing and chopping, stirring and tasting... haha!
Day 17 --
His last day here!

We went to Paddington Market again in the morning 'cos he wanted to go there. Then we walked to HRC for souvenir tees. We had late lunch at Makoto in the City before coming back to Randwick to do some last minute groceries so i could make steak for his dinner that evening.
Back at home, while he packed his things and got ready for his long flight home, i made dinner. Knowing him, he's probably not going to go out on his own to have a proper Western meal (read: Steak, Foccacia Sandwiches, Pastas or pizzas of any sort). So i attempted to make dinner extra special that evening ^^
Then we were off to the airport.
Checked-in the bags (He came with 1 luggage, left with 2. Heee! I DID manage to get him to pick out quite a few new shirts and jeans ^^ Oh! And lots of snacks!) then spent the rest of whatever time we had left at Starbucks.
I was already missing him like crazy before he even left... and i knew it was going to be awfully hard to say bye... but i'm damn proud of myself for not crying when he finally had to leave. At least, not in front of him :(
I waited till the sliding doors finally closed between us and he could no longer see me, that i started to cry :(
I don't know how long i'll have to wait to see him again......