Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
1 Tg Pagar Plaza #01-18 Singapore 082001Tel : 6223-5035Fax : 6226-2942
have you guys tried the desserts offered here? heeeeee! i love their 汤圆 :) but whenever i bring up the idea of going there for dessert to my parents, they'll go on and on about how we shouldn't take too much 汤圆... that its too sweet... anything glutinous is not good for us... blah blah blah............
by the time they are done listing their 101 reasons we should all avoid desserts like 汤圆, i've lost my appetite and desire to bring them there to eat O_____O
Point 4:- Laksa, Char Kway Teow and See-Hum
Hurhur... we all know Laksa and See-Hum should go together... same goes for Char Kway Teow... right??
Yes yes i know its not the cleanest or healthiest stuff... but.......... its so GOOOOOOOOOD!!! Where got people eat Char Kway Teow dun wan the See-Hum de??? aiyOooooooo!
But my darling parents always insist on ordering Laksa and Char Kway Teow without the Hum. Damn sian.... if i ask them to da-bao these stuff home for me, can expect it to come without the yummy bits :p if i order and eat these while out with them, you can bet they will be repeatly nagging and insisting we pick out the Hum from the bowl/plate of noodles before eating (just in case we consume 'em by mistake)...... -____________-
I is like the See-Hum leh..... i wan to eat....................... :p
*sigh* 带他们出去真麻烦, 跟他们吃饭也真麻烦!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
Friday, July 20, 2007
maKinG uP is nOt haRd to dO...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
tHinGs i dO foR ClaiRe
Monday, July 16, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007
bUs rideS in SG
i must say, the differences between how we do it DownUnder vs. SG is glaringly.... *makes a face* well... can't really find a word to use here right now but, ah well... let's see:-
boarding the bus
you know how we're always reminded to Q up, wait your turn, practice courtesy, respect the elderly and let 'em board 1st, yadda yadda yadda....
hurhurhur.... i think its totally wasted on ppl here....
Q to board the bus??? bah! even before the buses pull into the actual boarding area at the bus-stop, i see ppl jostling for what they reckon would be the best spot - the spot where the bus would most likely stop and open its front doors right in front of them so they'll be the 1st to board the bus.
let the elderly board 1st? *rolls eyes* i was on 197 last weekend when the bus pulled up at a stop along Bt. Merah. about 10 ppl crowded round at the front of the bus-stop wanting to board - 9 young, well-dressed, able-abodied ppl; at the BACK of the crowd, was an old man with a tongkat (!!!), waiting to board the same bus as well!!!!!!!!!!! WTF! to make things worst, just when the old man was about 2 steps away from finally getting to board the bus, these 2 teenagers come running up to catch 197, and without so much as a glance at the old man, squeezes past him and boards the bus 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tamaaaaaaaaaaaaade!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE THEY BLIND OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think of all the times back DownUnder, when we wait our turn to board the buses, when the gentlemens step aside to let the ladies thru' 1st (this i've encountered SO MANY TIMES! the guys would let me board the bus before them if they realise i'm last in line... hurhur... i think they fear i'm too short and need to find a seat or move towards the back of the bus instead of hanging by the door. hurhur!), when parents with children in line tell them to "let the nice old lady board 1st...", when i smile and indicate for the other party on the other side of the open door to board 1st (especially when she has huge bags of shopping in her arms) before i climb up the bus after her...
why is it so difficult for ppl HERE to practice a little courtesy??? like honestly! would it kill them???
on the bus
i've noticed back in Syd, whenever we board the bus and there are empty seats available, we take the seats inside - the ones nearer the windows, so that the aisle seats are left free for the next passenger. this makes looking for a seat heaps easier eh?
but in SG, ppl like to hang onto that aisle seat! and they're reluctant to let anyone else take the empty seat next to them!!! i've seen it with my own eyes! heaps of times!!! these ppl get on the bus, grab the empty seats by taking up the aisle seat, then when the bus rolls round to the next stop and passengers start boarding, the person in the aisle seat looks out the windows, stares at the floor, has a shut-eye.... anything really, to pretend not to see that someone else actually wants that empty seat inside!!!!!!!!!! like duh!!! what's up with that?!!
have you ever went up a bus and felt you wouldn't find an empty seat and so remain standing somewhere near the middle of the bus until half-way thru' your journey, a couple of tall, huge guys get off their seats and off the bus and THEN you realise that all along there had been an empty seat behind the big fellas but you just couldn't see it cos it was blocked? why didn't anyone at the back at least try to indicate to you that there were actually available seats eh?? so often back in Syd, i've had friendly, kind ppl seating at the back of the bus, PEOPLE I DO NOT KNOW MIND YOU!!!, signalling and indicating to me that empty seats were available at the back, sometimes holding up a number of fingers to show how many seats were available if i was travelling with friends. these little acts of kindness..... how often do you see it here?? i've certainly never! i hardly even see ppl giving up their seats to those who might need it more than they do! bah!! i'm glad i gave up my seat the other day.... hmmph! at least i think for others =P
there's obviously heaps more i could pen down on the differences i've observed... 9 outta 10 of them which makes the practices in SG look sOOOooooooo awful (no surprises there eh?) but i'm waaaaaaaaay too tired now... have not exactly recovered from the weeks' bout of nausea, gastric pains etc...
going out for dinner tomorrow so i'd best get some rest.... will have to be prepared to face those above-mentioned... hurhurhur...........
Friday, July 13, 2007
late tues afternoon:- i got hit by the virus too :( and so the vomiting starts... and boy it i get it bad........! threw up 6 (maybe 7 times) that evening! and the nausea and throwing up went on well into the next day. i was in bed the whole of wed... my body ached, my legs felt weak, my insides churned, my head was spinning, i was profusely perspiring despite the aircon and nothing i tried to consumed (liquid or solid) stayed inside for more than 5 mins :( it was horrible!!! i was confined to bed.... i did nothing but prayed... by thurs morning (3 maybe 4am?) the vomiting stopped... but because i had nothing in my stomach at all, the gastric pains started... unbelievable! i've never EVER had gastric pains before.... NEVER!!! it hurt so bad!!!!!! i thought i was going to die!!!!!! actually, i wished i could die so i wouldn't have to go thru that pain!! i tried to get up to get water and medicine, but i couldn't even lift my legs off the bed! thank God ma was sleeping next to me and woke up to get the neccessary (btw, ma's sick too :( she caught the bug wednesday morning... so she's been throwing up too!!!)
isn't it ironic that i pay monthly gym membership fees to workout and keep the extra kilos off but all it takes is 2 days of being utterly sick, sprouting like the merlion (ugh!) and i lose 2kilos easy??? -.-"'
update:- i've finally managed to at least get out of bed today... ma's still sick... Claire too... jie is.... ah well, jie was well enough to go catch Harry Potter last night.
Monday, July 09, 2007
It's been a horribly long night and day.
We had to take her to the doctor's at 11pm yesterday; and it was 'thunderstorming' here in the West!!!
Doc says its stomach flu.
She's been throwing up EVERYTHING we've fed her... dinner, milk, biscuits, milo, PLAIN WATER...!!!
It's an absolutely horrible feeling, to have to see her like this...
She can't control what's happening... but you can tell she feels horrible when she throws up and makes a mess... cos she keeps sobbing and trying to tell us, ".... dun wan vomit.... Claire 乖乖... "
Makes my heartbreak watching her......
The poor girl seems to have lost weight overnight :(
My poor baby......................
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Claire's at that age where its almost impossible to have her sit and smile nicely for the camera! whenever you ask her to smile she goes ---
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
lOusY seRviCe @ GV VivOcitY
went to 店小二.
the food's not bad! i liked the 特色小二豆腐 and some 湖南芝麻 chicken dish. yummy! the sauce in the chicken dish was really nice! might go back before i return to Syd to have their duck dishes. i say might cos there's just so many other places i wanna go to before leaving.... ha!
portions were just nice for us. after 'early-bird' disc (cos we were there just before noon), the bill came up to less than $45. i'll say that was pretty worth it.
after lunch, 爸妈 went off to run errands. 婷 and i went to catch Nancy Drew - such a young, girlish flick. nothing fantastic. but it was nice to spend 'sisterly' time with the little girl. i used to read Nancy Drew stuff some 15 years ago... now 婷's hooked on those books too! so it was nice to go catch the movie together. she paid for the tickets ^^ i got marshmallows and popcorn for us. hurhurhur! she also paid for bubbletea on the way home. thanks 妹妹 =)
anyways, it was my first trip ever to GV Vivo. and i didn't like it one bit!!!!!!!!!! the service, in my opinion, was just awful! from the ticket selling agent to the service boy behind the popcorn counter to the other boy checking our tickets. they were all so rude!
the ticket selling lady:- not sure if she was someone of higher position or something - cos she was not in the uniforms that the other agents were wearing; she was in some green silk-ish blouse. there was no 'hello, how can i help" when we stepped up to the counter, not the slightest bit of smile... in fact there was no greeting whatsoever. she was just.... well, for lack of a better word, bored! expressionless, emotionless... gave me the feeling she was just there to get all the transactions through and that was it! i thought to myself "wtf! you're in the service industry! for Christ sake, smile lah!!! even if you have to pretend! you should be smiling damnit! esp if you're a supervisor or some 'in-charge'...! all the more you should be setting a good example for your staff eh??? like duh!!!!!!".
the fat boy behind the refreshments counter:- gosh! so so SO awfully rude!!!!!! i asked if the only popcorn sets available was that Transformer thingy (which is ridiculously expensive -- $10 for a popcorn and drink and some Transformer card thingy). since we didn't want anything except popcorn, i asked for a regular popcorn instead of a set. he was impatient and rude, telling me "you wait", then proceeding to go to their 'back office' where i heard him shouting at a fellow colleague to help. the two service peeps were basically shouting at each other. how can anyone work in such an environment where fellow colleagues shout at each other instead of holding a decent conversation like civil people??? then the boy turned to me and went, "salted ah?". rude rude RUDE! throughout that whole transaction there was not a single 'please', 'thank you' or smile.
the guy who checks/rips tickets and is suppose to direct patrons to their respective cinemas:- my goodness! this guy basically just stood behind his 'station', arms stretched, took our tickets, ripped and returned the torn tics to us. again there was no greeting whatsoever, no smile, nothing! he just moved on to the next customer! he didn't even bother with eye contact!!
what is wrong with all these so called service people??? is it so blardy hard to say hello and to smile???? these people, whether they are in the service industry as part-timers or for good, are suppose to be ambassadors of whatever organization they work for... they are in the service industry for Christ's sake! they should be friendly, welcoming, passionate, people-oriented peeps! but all the staff we encountered this afternoon were plain rude and unfriendly!!! gosh! barely one week back in SG, and i'm so so SO missing the friendly service staff you get in Syd. geez! all those peeps who work at Ritz Cinema in Randwick - from the ticket-selling lady, to the girls behind the bar, to the boys who sweep up the cinema after the movie ends.... they're all so nice!
but those this afternoon??? gawd!!!!! absolutely horrible! just plain rude!! shame... where has all that Courtesy Campaign and Staff Training stuff gone to?
ugly, rude Singaporeans. >_<