Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
tAke 5
am in a dilemma as to what to get The Boy this Christmas (i know!!! Christmas is only 8 weeks away!!! YAYNESS!!!)
what would you like for Christmas darling?
*goes back to flipping through pile of mags.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
sir andrew lloyd webber and the phantom of the opera
Have loved Sir Lloyd Webber's works since learning to appreciate Musical Theatre.
Jesus Christ Superstar.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
The Phantom of the Opera.
The Sound of Music.
These are just some of the amazing works of Sir Lloyd Webber i've caught.
Have been looking for his Starlight Express and Sunset Boulevard for ages. No luck so far :(
During the sec. sch. days when i was like, totally involved in band, we also got to learn and play some of the music from his amazing works. Especially loved the music to Cats! Who could possibly not love and feel for Elaine Paige's Grizabella when she broke into Memory.
Tonight, i dug up the 'ol Phantom CD. Can't remember when i got 'em but i reckon it must have been a good 10 - 12 years ago; the bits on the CD casing which were white have all gone yellow. hurhur.
I love, love, LOVE that he had Sarah Brightman in the role of Christine. She sounds absolutely amazing! And every time i hear Michael Crawford's Phantom, my heart goes out to him.
The sister and i were really excited to learn of his working on Phantom: Love Never Dies, a couple of weeks ago. Now, having read about his current health conditions, we're really praying for him, and his being able to complete work on Love Never Dies.
*touchwood. if he, you know..., we will forever have one less magnificent, genius of musical theatre.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I woke up smiling to myself (hmmm... maybe i had good dreams last night... can't remember), the early morning call from the Boy made me happier, i went to Church still smiling, and i was in such a rare happy mood i suggested driving-thru maccas for lunch! The family knows i VERY RARELY agree to having maccas... let alone be the one to suggest it. omg what's happening to me? =PPP anyways, my suggestion made the baby sister happy, which only made me happier, so yeah, guess things just work 'emselves out ya? haha.
[oh gawd, re-reading what i just wrote... making absolutely little sense! not that i care. im too happy to care. i am weird like that sometimes. crazy moods *roll eyes]
The Boy is finally back home from work after having been away for over a month. And to say i'm happy that he's set to come visit in another 2 weeks is an understatement. I'm absolutely thrilled!!! Can't wait to see him... a-ha! That's why i've been so happy! HE'S COMING! yay *dancing round the room like a deliriously happy girly.
abrupt end to my random happy post :ppp
*tunes back to watching silly happy taiwanese entertainment programmes on telly.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
the girls often get my very angry sms-es in the morning declaring my annoyance/anger (depending on my mood that day) at
the train that's late, the fat-ass who's pretending to sleep and refuse to give up his/her seat to the pregnant woman, the idiots who push their way onto the trains every morning even when after the platform attendants (or whatever those peeps in the ugly red uniforms are called) have told them to "please wait for the next train", the tmd well-dressed Shenton Way/Raffles Place/banker-looking (no offence to my banker friends but wtf im plain annoyed now so i don't care lah) type of men (MEN ok? MEN!!! wtf) who push their way past others to empty seats, the trains that are supposed to be air-conditioned but blardaaaaay hell are just plain HOT AND STUFFY (wtf!!!), the trains that seem to be foreva packed, the incosiderate people who can't seem to understand what it means to let passengers ALIGHT first, before boarding...
honestly i could go on and ON!!! and while i do know that a good bulk of my annoyance comes from the PEOPLE who take the trains, there's the other bit that comes from the fact that the trains (and the system) just aint that good! [think: hot, stuffy cabins. frequency of trains...]
the sister and i waited a good five, FIVE (OMG!!!) trains yesterday before we managed to get onto an eastbound train to work. that was a good 20 minutes spent just standing on the blardy crowded platform WAITING!
and to think they keep increasing fares and shite. wtf do they do with our money???
gawd i pray darling moves here soon and we can get a car in future. not that i can drive (hurhur). but i take comfort in the fact that he can =)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
oH if oNLY i were hOme for a diFFerEnt reAsoN.
and sick :(
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
[inSert raNdom titLe HerE]
totally sucks!!!
to make things worst, i had to cancel on eelin last night.
i am sOOooooo disappointed.
i miss the girl so much!
damn the bloody eye i have in the right.
i look a total fright!
dear God please let me get better soon (like now??).
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Stop saying Koala Bears damnit!
I wanted to cover Claire's ears everytime that damn cartoon character on Playhouse Disney went "Koala Bear!!!" just now when she was watching telly.
Damn these horrid programmes that teach the kids incorrect stuff.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
wAke me uP whEn sEPtembEr eNdsss...
so it's October already.
September is sOOoooo ova'.
how did i spend that last 30 days huh?
oh oh OH!! i went and got my hair curled :)
there was the JAKARTA work trip.
the one where i put on a freaking 3kilos.
there was our Marketing Conference.
wOoohoo! over and done with that.
there was the BEIJING work trip.
the one where i finally, finally took time out to go see the "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube" after five trips to the City in the last 12 months.
**see see seeeeeeee? finally made it to the Bird's Nest in Beijing.
there was mum's birthday dinner at baa baa black sheep.
the one where we sat down to yummy naans and curries, fish 'n' chips, hoegaardens and asahis, and were happily eating away, when the rains came in a flash, and had us all jumping up, grabbing our plates of food and joining the crowds of peeps rushing indoors to continue munching and drinking away. heehee!!
there was Convo 2009.
that was my virgin trip to Expo.
no, im not kidding, it really was my first time to that part of the Island, to that MRT station. hurhurhur.
there was APEC ambassadors briefing at TP where i met Min again after many, many months!
i had no idea anyone else i knew had signed up for this so it was cool when she texted that morning to say we'll meet at the briefing. yay! we ex-Cirque ushers are such a svc-oriented, friendly bunch. haha!!
there was Jayne's very belated bday evening out @ Sun with Moon (Wheelock).
once again i was teased heaps... this time bcos of my sua-ku-ness =PPP
of not having been around Ion properly since its' opening, not having been to our choice of dining venue that evening, not wanting to have to "rough it out" while our hols' [we were trying to decide on a place to go visit tgt in 2010]...
ah what else now? hmmm......
there weren't many swimming sessions and dinners with the girls :(
there weren't regular Sat. nites at Walas too! how sad!!
there wasn't much baking done 'cept for some good 'ol "old skool" cupcakes.
**Claire eats every cookie/cupcake/muffin/cake/ brownie/jelly/tiramisu i make :)
there wasn't much time spent with the little boy.
he's been sick ALOT the past 2-3 weeks :((( **cheeky boy.
there weren't enough nites spent on the phone with The Boy since he went away for work early Sep..
it's been 24 days since we last saw each other.
imu hun.
abrupt end.