Thursday, March 27, 2008
i love my sisters.
i really do.
doesn't matter how they often make me wanna tear my hair out for clogging up the shower area with hair after they're done with the bathroom,
or how they use my hairbands and hairclips, then leave them lying all over the house,
or how they use my stuff (tees, belts, shoes, dresses, bags... you name it, they've used / worn it) and return 'em in less than satisfactory conditions,
or how they leave CDs, books, USED tissue paper (anything and everything) lying around MY room,
or how they take it for granted i'll babysit, help them with their housechores and whatnots,
or how they get ME into trouble by coming home late (though i STILL do not see how I am responsible for their being home before the parents go to bed x_x )......
all of these DO NOT MATTER really...
because at the end of the day, only my true dearest sisters can LOVE ME, FOR ME, and make me free like the most important person in their lives :)
"Oh ignore her. She's so ugly!" --- only my sis would know when i need to hear this and say this to me :))) ha!
"i'll go with you, only cos YOU'RE MY SISTER" --- nothing else matters when i hear this :p
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
eGGLeSs caKe ReciPe Hunt
if anyone knows of one, please pass it on okaaaaaaaaay??
on the lookout for one that can produce a cake just as yummy as one of those with eggs :p
thanks very muchiiiiieeeeeee!
Monday, March 24, 2008
oh freakin' hell! why does it have to rain EVERY damn DAY??!!!
***going to wait downstairs with a brolly and towel for Claire. she's bound to be really wet coming back from school in this horrid weather. my poor girl.
***going to wait downstairs with a brolly and towel for Claire. she's bound to be really wet coming back from school in this horrid weather. my poor girl.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
todaY iS "Get Fat daY" >__<
as if that HUGE lunch we had today @ Maxwell wasn't enough...
mum made 榨菜肉丝 and 八宝粥 for dinner.
the sister and i had supper with Yisheng @ Liang Seah St. 记得吃 PLUS Tori Q chicken balls and Dong Dae Mun hotdogs from Bugis Junction, PLUS bbt to go!!!
OMG! die die die can just DIE!!!
as if that HUGE lunch we had today @ Maxwell wasn't enough...
mum made 榨菜肉丝 and 八宝粥 for dinner.
the sister and i had supper with Yisheng @ Liang Seah St. 记得吃 PLUS Tori Q chicken balls and Dong Dae Mun hotdogs from Bugis Junction, PLUS bbt to go!!!
OMG! die die die can just DIE!!!
between the 9 of us --- 8A + 1C, we had:-
1 serving of 客家菜 - 算盘子
1 bowl of 和记粥 porridge
1 bowl of Laksa
1 bowl of Chicken Curry Noodle
1 bowl of Fish Soup
1 plate of Carrot Cake
1 plate of Fried Rice
2 servings of 梅菜扣肉
2 plates of popiahs
3 bowls of 白饭
4 huuuuge glasses of Sugarcane Juice
8 pieces of Lim Kee Goreng Pisang Rajah (Banana Fritters)!!!
i'm sOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo totally stuffed right now. thanks to all that fantastic food you can get from the Maxwell Food Centre :p
Friday, March 21, 2008
today started off a glorious sunshine-y day...
now the rains are coming down in buckets!!
honestly, whether you believe it or not, the weather always, ALWAYS turns dark and gloomy around 2-3ish in the afternoons of Good Friday.
for as long as i can remember, it has been like this...
the day could start off perfectly fine - beautiful, sunny day...
come afternoon, it turns dark...
and then comes the rains.
was like that when i was in PER & SYD too.
can't help being totally amazed by this really... Works of God.
***it's raining so hard now we can't see ANYTHING outside the windows.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
sKi yOguRt... YUM!!!
oh so random...
but i do miss my Ski Yogurt so, so, SO much :(
the range of GOOD (smooth, yummy, creamy, yummy, healthy, yummy, fruity, did i say YUMMY yet? heehee!) yogurt here in SG is just PATHETIC!!! no, i'm serious! it's pathetic. and so expensive too! BAH!!
peeps back DownUnder, eat some yogurt for meeeeeeeeeeeee :p
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
tO gO ??
or not to go ???
am seriously considering taking up that offer to extend my break for another month or two...
i miss
~ danshuei/fisherman's wharf 淡水 & 渔人码头
~ fengjia night market 逢甲夜市
~ shihlin night market 士林夜市
~ ALL night markets!!! 夜市! wOOOooohOOOOOooooo!!!
~ 泡泡茶 :)))
~ 牛肉面!! 永康街's!
~ long drives (to nowhere) in the countryside
~ waking up to brekkie prepared and left on the table for me (done before The Boy leaves for work)
~ going to HUGE seafood wholesale markets to grab the freshest, yummiest seafood home, and then having a seafood feast prepared specially for me :)))
~ deep-fried yummilicious mushrooms
~ 地瓜球!!! piping hot & fresh out of the wok. woohooooo!!
~ hair accessories, hair accessories, and MORE hair accessories!
i honestly wouldn't mind another trip up Alishan even if just to catch the glorious sunrise 'moment'; don't even mind the long drive down South again :)
i want to go look for giant windmills again :) maybe we'll come across another 花市 !! and spend much of our time taking pictures amongst the giant sunflowers again!!
i would lurrrrrrve to get my nails done cheap-cheap again! pretty pretty!!
i still want to explore Tungpu, and soak in the hot springs of Wulai and Guanzihling again...
to go? or not to go??
am seriously considering taking up that offer to extend my break for another month or two...
i miss
~ danshuei/fisherman's wharf 淡水 & 渔人码头
~ fengjia night market 逢甲夜市
~ shihlin night market 士林夜市
~ ALL night markets!!! 夜市! wOOOooohOOOOOooooo!!!
~ 泡泡茶 :)))
~ 牛肉面!! 永康街's!
~ long drives (to nowhere) in the countryside
~ waking up to brekkie prepared and left on the table for me (done before The Boy leaves for work)
~ going to HUGE seafood wholesale markets to grab the freshest, yummiest seafood home, and then having a seafood feast prepared specially for me :)))
~ deep-fried yummilicious mushrooms
~ 地瓜球!!! piping hot & fresh out of the wok. woohooooo!!
~ hair accessories, hair accessories, and MORE hair accessories!
i honestly wouldn't mind another trip up Alishan even if just to catch the glorious sunrise 'moment'; don't even mind the long drive down South again :)
i want to go look for giant windmills again :) maybe we'll come across another 花市 !! and spend much of our time taking pictures amongst the giant sunflowers again!!
i would lurrrrrrve to get my nails done cheap-cheap again! pretty pretty!!
i still want to explore Tungpu, and soak in the hot springs of Wulai and Guanzihling again...
to go? or not to go??
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
lOudeSt FamiLY oN tHe BLoCk
i honestly think we might be the loudest family in our block.
i'm serious!!!
MAYBE not the loudest of the WHOLE block.
but you can definitely hear us AT LEAST 3 - 4 storeys below ^^
'lest you think we're some inconsiderate neighbours or maniacs who play loud music / MJ during the wee hours of the morn' or whatever it is that other LOUD people do, we're only like this between 630 - 830pm, weekdays :)
cause that's when:
~~ Claire comes back from 'kindy and starts her high-pitched non-sensical singing and running around the house being quite the monkey (that she is ^^)
~~ the sisters come back from work/school (put the four of us together under the same roof; we talk non-stop. heehee!)
~~ Louis starts his repetitive 'ma-meeeeeeeeeeeeee'(妈咪 mummy), 'xue-xiaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooo'(学校 school), 'bussssssssssssssss' (bus), 'shooooooooooesssssss' (shoes), 'miannnnnnnn bao' (面包 bread) and whatever else he picked up during the day from listening to us [he's amazing!! a little over 16 mths old and he has quite a vocab!! he's obviously really listening to us when we speak; and he's really 准 too! his articulations / enunciations!!! clever boiiiii!] ***yep that's the proud 阿姨 speaking here :)))
~~ everyone needs fooooooood
~~ the kids like to dance and scream to the sister and i playing duets on the piano (so we play! obviously. and they scream.)
anyways, yea... those 2 hours in the evenings are times when all our neighbours can probably hear us as if we were right there in their living room :P we are THAT LOUD.
sorry neighbours :P
Saturday, March 15, 2008
我这个做二姐的, 真的是会给那两个小妹气死, 害死...!
小的一个星期的假期, 没有一天是乖乖在家里看书的... 还说什么今年要考'O'水准了...
爸妈说他们几句, 两个家伙就耍脾气...
我自己从来都没有那么不听话... 哪有凌晨四点才回...哪有每天出去玩...
要我天天骂, 天天打吗?
两个家伙!! 你们害死我的啦! 我真是给你们气死的!
***大姐!你为什么要那么快结婚? 你看你搬走了不在家, 老爸老妈什么都推到我身上来了!! 要骂要念, 都往我这里来.........:(
小的一个星期的假期, 没有一天是乖乖在家里看书的... 还说什么今年要考'O'水准了...
爸妈说他们几句, 两个家伙就耍脾气...
我自己从来都没有那么不听话... 哪有凌晨四点才回...哪有每天出去玩...
要我天天骂, 天天打吗?
两个家伙!! 你们害死我的啦! 我真是给你们气死的!
***大姐!你为什么要那么快结婚? 你看你搬走了不在家, 老爸老妈什么都推到我身上来了!! 要骂要念, 都往我这里来.........:(
Thursday, March 13, 2008
SaliVa, saLiva eVerYwHere...
in my room that is -.-
on my bed, pillows, the duvet, the pooh plushies...
on my chair, on the wardrobe...
over my radio, on my jeans and blouse thrown carelessly over the back of the chair...
and all over the floooooooooor!!!
all courtesy of my dear Louis x.X
***must take pictures of the 'puddles' of saliva left around my room next time, before the helper wipes up everything. ugh!! my room needs mopping everyday when that little boy is here -.-
on my bed, pillows, the duvet, the pooh plushies...
on my chair, on the wardrobe...
over my radio, on my jeans and blouse thrown carelessly over the back of the chair...
and all over the floooooooooor!!!
all courtesy of my dear Louis x.X
***must take pictures of the 'puddles' of saliva left around my room next time, before the helper wipes up everything. ugh!! my room needs mopping everyday when that little boy is here -.-
kiM rAe WoN
so so SO cute.

sOOOOOooo charming.
*** everytime i see him with those sad, sad, eyes brimming with tears on Which Star Are You From? i wanna cry tooooo!!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
tHe maLe sPeciEs... sO sHaLLow!!
doesn't matter who they are...
could be the neighbour, the boy in your tut., the best guy-friend, your boy, your brother, your dad even!!!
they are all the same!
i bring the baby down to the playground in baggy tee, running shorts, no makeup... nothing.
the guys take no notice of me. AT ALL.
i bring the baby down after coming home, still in "work / going-out" dress/pants/skirts, still madeup...
same group of guys... turn and stare.
"Nice!" one tells the other.
i go into town in jeans, tee and the 'ol comfy birkenstocks sandals.
salesboi doesn't even bother leaving his place behind the cashier counter to 'entertain' me.
i go into the same shop a couple of days later in a dress and my high heels?
same salesboi is up and all eager to help.
could be the neighbour, the boy in your tut., the best guy-friend, your boy, your brother, your dad even!!!
they are all the same!
i bring the baby down to the playground in baggy tee, running shorts, no makeup... nothing.
the guys take no notice of me. AT ALL.
i bring the baby down after coming home, still in "work / going-out" dress/pants/skirts, still madeup...
same group of guys... turn and stare.
"Nice!" one tells the other.
i go into town in jeans, tee and the 'ol comfy birkenstocks sandals.
salesboi doesn't even bother leaving his place behind the cashier counter to 'entertain' me.
i go into the same shop a couple of days later in a dress and my high heels?
same salesboi is up and all eager to help.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
懒得动 没有劲
~~~嗜好 古巨基~~~
sweet sweet sssssswwweeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt
懒得动 没有劲
~~~嗜好 古巨基~~~
sweet sweet sssssswwweeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt
Monday, March 10, 2008
RainY DaYz & MoNdaYs aLwaYs Get mI doWn...
"Talkin' to myself and feelin' old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin' around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down."
~~~ Carpenters ~~~
Friday, March 07, 2008
tagged by Jas:
5 things found in your bag:
1. House Keys
2. Mobile
3. Tweety makeup pouch (from Ling)
4. Kiki & Lala drawstring pouch
5. Notebook illustrated by heage (from Jas) & pens
5 favourite things in your room:
1. The trusty 'ol radio tuned faithfully to 93.3fm
2. My 'collection' of K & Twn 'idol' drama vcds/dvds
3. The very many maaaany makeup and skincare 'preciousssss'
4. The 'Forever Friends' Bears that spell out my name (gifts from a loooooong time ago)
5. MY BED!!!
5 things you have always wanted to do:
1. Take a year off to travel around Europe (more specifically Germany, Switzerland and Austria)
2. Pick up German (again)
3. Learn and master the art of cake deco
4. Bring ma on a holiday to Japan (I PAY OKAAAAY?!!)
5. Go on a hot-air balloon over the Yarra Valley with The Boy
5 things you are currently into:
1. Skinfood
2. Bubbletea? (i think i've been 'into' this for a loooooooong time. ha!)
3. Novena
4. Eye-makeup palettes
5. Developing my career?? no wait wait WAIT!!! repay study loan!!!
5 people you want to tag:
1. Carrie
2. Jayne
3. Kenneth / Lindy / Kenneth AND Lindy??
4. Veronica
5. Yanis
5 things found in your bag:
1. House Keys
2. Mobile
3. Tweety makeup pouch (from Ling)
4. Kiki & Lala drawstring pouch
5. Notebook illustrated by heage (from Jas) & pens
5 favourite things in your room:
1. The trusty 'ol radio tuned faithfully to 93.3fm
2. My 'collection' of K & Twn 'idol' drama vcds/dvds
3. The very many maaaany makeup and skincare 'preciousssss'
4. The 'Forever Friends' Bears that spell out my name (gifts from a loooooong time ago)
5. MY BED!!!
5 things you have always wanted to do:
1. Take a year off to travel around Europe (more specifically Germany, Switzerland and Austria)
2. Pick up German (again)
3. Learn and master the art of cake deco
4. Bring ma on a holiday to Japan (I PAY OKAAAAY?!!)
5. Go on a hot-air balloon over the Yarra Valley with The Boy
5 things you are currently into:
1. Skinfood
2. Bubbletea? (i think i've been 'into' this for a loooooooong time. ha!)
3. Novena
4. Eye-makeup palettes
5. Developing my career?? no wait wait WAIT!!! repay study loan!!!
5 people you want to tag:
1. Carrie
2. Jayne
3. Kenneth / Lindy / Kenneth AND Lindy??
4. Veronica
5. Yanis
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
sO exCitEd...
...i can hardly sit still for like, FIVE MINUTES!!
seriously, i'm so excited.
can't wait for 3pm to come round today.
but i'm nervous tOOOOooooo!
what if they ask me to name the 21 APEC Economies and i mess that up?
or, or, or...
what if they ask me to name those peeps who went for the Leader's Week meeting in APEC 2007 Syd, and i can't??!!!
just SHADDUP already you devil-in-my-head :p
but then, i was really excited yesterday tOOOOOOOooooooo!!!
and that call 5min ago got me excited about this coming Fri tOOOOOooooooo!!!
i'm getting so easily excited eh?
bet u think i'm going abit cuckoo don't u? :p
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
*fiNGerS CrOssed*
yea peeps, keep your fingers crossed for me today.
oh, and tomorrow too!
in fact, keep those toes crossed tOOOooooo!!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
aNd tHere GoeS mY SundaY...
mad, mad rush today...
first to Church, then lunch with 'Ling...
after that we went round the shops and i got too carried away shopping... *sheepish* oh but i only window-shopped really :) though i'm probably going back to pick out a couple more dresses and shirts sometime this week... all depends on whether i wake up tomorrow and still can't stop thinking about the same items i tried :)))
mad rush home at 4-ish to prepare dinner -________- thought dinner was going to be late!! but i managed to start on dinner preps at 5 and then we were sitting down to eat just before 630 :)))
we all made the effort to eat 'healthy' today >___<
for mum's sake really... what with her constant talk of diabetics and whatnots...
sOOOOOOooooooooooooo, i looked up a couple of recipes specially for diabetics (this done a couple of days earlier, obviously!) and made Pita chilli-sardine sandwiches, a yummylicious potato salad (substituting bacon with ham, added celery for extra crunchiness, and olives too!) and an additional simple side of buttered corn.
and NOW, i'm having one eye on the telly (the sisters are watching 24 dvds season 3) and the other on the lappie ^^
hope you all had a good weekend!
first to Church, then lunch with 'Ling...
after that we went round the shops and i got too carried away shopping... *sheepish* oh but i only window-shopped really :) though i'm probably going back to pick out a couple more dresses and shirts sometime this week... all depends on whether i wake up tomorrow and still can't stop thinking about the same items i tried :)))
mad rush home at 4-ish to prepare dinner -________- thought dinner was going to be late!! but i managed to start on dinner preps at 5 and then we were sitting down to eat just before 630 :)))
we all made the effort to eat 'healthy' today >___<
for mum's sake really... what with her constant talk of diabetics and whatnots...
sOOOOOOooooooooooooo, i looked up a couple of recipes specially for diabetics (this done a couple of days earlier, obviously!) and made Pita chilli-sardine sandwiches, a yummylicious potato salad (substituting bacon with ham, added celery for extra crunchiness, and olives too!) and an additional simple side of buttered corn.
and NOW, i'm having one eye on the telly (the sisters are watching 24 dvds season 3) and the other on the lappie ^^
hope you all had a good weekend!
Be Not Afraid...
The song i used to always sing to myself at the start of each semester - first in Perth, then again in Sydney. It always gave me strength to walk on and be strong in new, unfamiliar environments... in places and with people i did not (yet) know... It's as if You were reassuring me that You go before me, clearing the way, making sure no danger lurks ahead, leading me down the right path...... always...
1. You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand. You shall see the face of God and live.
R. Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come follow me, and I will give you rest.
2. If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown. If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed. If you stand before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that I am with you through it all.
3. Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs. Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh. And if wicked men insult and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you!
***Heavenly Father, shine your Light upon me and lead me the way onwards... for i know not what i should do... where i should go... the steps i should take... the decisions to make... :(