Friday, April 30, 2010

Stuck in the office on a friday night...
I am boring like that.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

mid-week update - 280410

the good news is, i'm home early from work today :)
the bad news is, i'm back cos i have the worst migraine EVER!!! :(

woke up this morning feeling crap.
the body was weak... my head was pounding...
went into the office anyways.
the sun & heat got to me real bad though.
by noon i was ready to drop dead.
so here i am.
in bed.
with good 'ol plain porridge with vegemite. [i am so dead. eating in bed. the sister is gonna scream.]
with AC. [ahhhhhhh... *contented sigh]
with the sister's lappie. [my toopid one is dead remember?]
with sudoku puzzle book. [currently VERY addicted to this. and i mean VERY.]
there's only one thing missing now.
but he's an hour's flight away. and another hour's drive after. pooh!
oOOooooh! the skies have gone dark in the last 5 mins.
rains coming again :(
i hate the crap weather we're getting these few weeks.

Monday, April 26, 2010


there was a time, when i rarely needed to recycle my work dresses and all.
these days, all i do is stand in front of the wardrobe and moan "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRR".
and then i end up going to work in the same old thing.
how depressing.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

raNdom sUnday. 250410.

very impressed by how he "took charge" and had that man-to-man discussion with daddy today.
yet another reason why i love him so and am ever so sure i am in good hands with him.
dinner. drinks. and waaay too much ice cream.
the sisters, the Boy, wl, yf, qw, lisa.
been too long since the last time we wii-ed.
laughed so hard and so much.
super fun!
if only we had the luxury of time & money to spend every weekend like that!
he left for the airport earlier this evening.
oh well... must be positive. and contented.
i managed to spend two lovely weekends with him @ home.
i love baking for him.
and making him lunch/ dinners.
i is like 煮饭婆 (says the sisters).
and i'll be seeing him in another three weeks when i go to work in KL.
so... yay!
the laptop died (again).
after only three months since replacing something (can't remember what... must check with Challenger guy.)
guess i'll have to depend on the work lappie for now.
*mega sigh
i is hates computers (and all that crap related to it).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

170409 vs 170410

Dinner & drinks @ Brotzeit - Raffles City
Was more than an hour late. That close to calling to cancel on him. I was nervous lah!!!
Thank God i went ahead.
Never happier and more comfortable :)
Long walks. City Hall. Padang. Marina Square.
Lots to share. Plenty of laughs.
Drinks @ The Atrium Lounge - Pan Pacific Hotel
Dan's car. With Debs too.
Long ride to Loyang.
Desperately wishing the night would never end. That, or time would standstill.
The Centris.
Orange & choc chip muffins for afternoon tea.
Dinner @ home. Rice with Grilled Saba with Sambal, Corn & Carrot with Meatball Clear Soup, Chilled Cucumber & Black Fungus.
Lee Hwa, Goldheart & Soo Kee.
Ice cold beer by the pool. Under the stars.
Sharing our wants, hopes and dreams for the future.
Being Together.
Who would have thought?
I certainly never in my life thought it possible - that someone i met when i was 7 (!!!) would one day play such an important part in my life. Or that a casual Friday dinner in town with him would lead to US today.
I am truly blessed.
Hun, ILU :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

PHUKET - Karon Beach, Parasailing and lots of coconuts!!

So we hung out at Karon Beach a couple of hours everyday while we were in Phuket. The Beach was right across the street from the hotel where we were staying at.
According to guidebooks and stuff, Karon is a beautiful stretch of beach on the west coast of Phuket. It's apparently less crowded than Patong Beach, more family-oriented, and is one of the longest of the Island's beaches, stretching up to 4km.
Because our trip was really not that long, we didn't really get to spend like, long hours at the beach.
But on the 3rd and final day of our stay on the Island, we slapped on sunscreen, sunnies (and my hat. for me.) and went to nua on the beach after brekkie :)
And...... we went PARASAILING! wooohooooooooo!!!
Omgomgomgomgomg! Parasailing was so so so so SO FUN!!
After a whole lot of negotiating (or bargaining. whatever you wanna call it.) - since the arvo of Day 1 we were there actually, we managed to agree on paying 2500baht for 3pax (original: 1200 per pax!!).
all strapped up? :ppp
ready... set...
OMG!!! i'm in the air already!!!
coming back around... argh! already? BUT I HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH FUN!
pfft. my landing was sibei off :p
It was sOOOOOOOoooooooooooo blardy fun i tell you! Someone please gimme some $$$ to go do it again!
My only ONLY regret was that silly me, i didn't bring my camera up into the air with me! :( Couldn't take any pictures of the gorgeous view i took in while up in the air. *contented sigh just thinking about that feeling of peace and happiness i experienced briefing when parasailing.
I would so gladly do it again.
We had 'em once a day while at the Beach.
At S$2 each, they were the best thirst-quenchers on a HOT HOT HOT day at the Beach. That, and 0.40cent ice-creams :)))
I is happy just looking at our pictures taken.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

PHUKET - the girls.

I figured i should write something about our trip to Phuket last week.
Before i get too caught up with work and life back in SG and just decide not to pen down anything about the trip =P i can be quite lazy like that.
Am gonna do this over a few short entries, with (or without! see mood lah.) captions, and piccies taken from all three of our digicams =)
~ The girlies! first few shots on the plane before take-off. damn excited and all happy and smiley despite it being barely 8am ~

We've known each other since secondary school! [Well, they have known each other since primary school but anyways, that's their story to tell.] That's a good 15 years ago. OMGWTF i is oldssssss!
There were quite a few years after leaving secondary school when i kinda lost these girls (we were never in the same class. we weren't even in the same year!!! how DID we meet huh? =PPP haha.). Different schools, different programmes, different lives (totally!!)...... but coming back from Oz (for good) in '08, well, let's just say these girls have pretty much been very much part of my life since.
This quick getaway to Phuket was our first, traveling together. Three of us.
I won't lie and say everything was perfect (cos heck, NOTHING/ NO ONE is perfect.) but i'll say, as i look at our piccies now and think back on our trip, i can't think of better gfs to have gone on this trip with =)

The one i affectionately call munkii, YF
~ ignoring the annoyed store/saleswoman, we tried on hats - big and small, some ridiculously priced (like this 450baht piece of erm... something) and some cheap-cheap ones (150baht cheap enough?), and went 'point-and-shoot' happy with the digicam ~
~ always cute, always ready to ham it up for the cam' ~
Baby-girl of the group WL

And yours truly =P
~ with my new 180baht (S$7.50) hat ~
Together, they provide so much more fun, laughter, happiness to my life =)
~ blur piccie taken while in the moving van, headed for Chalong Bay, ready for a daytrip to Phi Phi Island!!! yes i know it's blurry and all but i like this for some strange reason =P must be the sun and all. ha! ~
Gotta love them girls!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

raNdOm sUndaY

warning: in random mode. hence a truly random entry. really shouldn't be writing but die die still want to, just 'cos otherwise i might forget stuff i should really remember. am i even making sense here??? duh.
everyone is different. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.
we're different in the way we think, speak, act, grow...... i cannot and should not expect everyone to be the same. or stay the same forever.
i should be happy she has grown and gained all that confidence.
in fact, i AM happy.
i think i'm just...... not used to the NEW her.
i am a lousy friend :(
but WHY is it that only at this age do they change?!?!?! argh!!! couldn't they have grown-up earlier? =P
last year i 'lost' one of them. am i about to 'lose' another this year?
i truly am happy she has found her happiness. i'm much, much happier for her now then previously. i am! i just need time to accept the person that she is now.
argh!! *pulls hair in frustration
note to self: get your act together damnit! quit living in the past and get on with life. changes happen. things happen. people change! CHANGE IS GOOD!!!
caught GLEE the other day.
loving it so far. am only up to episode 6 though.
haven't really been watching much telly.
no patience lah... cannot sit through a whole season of anything.
let's see if i actually complete the whole season of GLEE ok?
but seriously, i'm loving the cast/ characters and music/ choreography of this musical tv series.
i wanna watch Monga! i is drooling over Ethan Ruan *drool drool drrrrrrroooooolssssssssss

but you know me. i is 胆小鬼. wants to watch action movies like that. yet spends half the time hiding behind The Boy =PPP wtf. i am weird like that.
am shocked and saddened by the news of the plane crash of the Polish President and his Officials. can you imagine the trauma the Poles must be going through now? having lost their leader JUST LIKE THAT *snaps fingers. not to mention the chaos that must be spreading through the Country.
God bless their souls.

i can't help but wonder though, WHY and HOW could they have let SO MANY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TRAVEL ON THE SAME PLANE?!?!?! isn't it one of the first "rules" not to put all your VVVIPs (travel/ stay) together? i mean, that's what happens in business when companies send their big-shots places. right??
we're into The LASALLE Show '10 season.
the PA shows have already started actually.
caught Sweet Charity the other night.
it was enjoyable. but imo not that fantastic.
am hoping the Acting kids put up something good in two weeks' time *fingers crossed for The Wonderful World of Dissocia.
am really looking forward to Co-Lab that's for sure!
i really am all over the place. this entry has no head no tail.
tsk tsk.
am off to get my BBT fix.


so roasted.

back to reality.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

lOokinG foRward to the Rest Of tHe weeK!!!

really really really??? you're not lying hor? you'll be here Sunday? omg YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
can hardly wait but i know i'll have to :(
but YAY!!! I'M SO HAPPY!


~~~ my exact response to his mail when he said they set sail on the 8th, and will reach SG, 10th ~~~
on another happy note, I'M OFF TO PHUKET WITH THE GIRLS THE DAY AFTER! woohOOoooo!!
am probably gonna get totally roasted [The hottest time (in Phuket) is from April through May...], but...... dun care liaoooooo. I IS NEEDS A BRRRREAK!
hoookays, off to pack now :)
***i should wipe that silly grin off my face now really... =P the sisters are rolling their eyes. heehee!!

all i want is......

The more time and effort i invest in looking for and learning about them, the more i see and try them, the more i'm certain of what I want:
~~~ Classic ~~~
~~~ Solitaire ~~~
~~~ Size: Between 0.35 to 0.40ct ~~~
~~~ Colour: E or F ~~~
~~~ Cut (shape): Round. ~~~
~~~ Clarity: VS1/VS2 ~~~
~~~ Setting: Four-prong ~~~
See? I'm pretty simple and easy to please like that, yes? Heehee ^^

Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday. 020410.

April already???
Guess that term "time flies" really is true (somewhat).
Three months gone.
What have i been doing eh? How come i didn't even realise we had moved into Q2 of 2010?!?!
Quick recap:
Long hours, extra time, reports, events, late nights, dinner in the office (at my desk, in front of the computer)... yup, that pretty much sums up the 'work' bit alright.
Still loving my job but some horrible people are really starting to get to me. So meeeeean! So bitchyyyyyy!!
Omg has it really been three months since we moved into 2010? Just realise my team has gone through quite abit of change (***UNDERSTATEMENT!!! wtf***).
Work has taken me to a few more new places this Quarter - Chennai & Bangalore in India, a couple of Cities in Yunnan Province and Changzhou in China, and Seoul, S.Korea.
Blessed. Very thankful for the new opportunities and experiences (good and the not-so-good ones).
Outside of work, the BF and i managed to getaway to Cherating Beach over the CNY break. Awfully short :( but beggars can't be choosers huh? That's better than no holiday right?
Oh damn! That's it! That's about all i've been doing the past three months --- work! and traveling (mostly for work)!
I've hardly met any of the girls in awhile. I've not been to wala-wala the last... 2.5months??? I've not seen Lisa or Jaime since the New Year bbq @ our place. WL, YF and i haven't been swimming together since... forever!! 'Ling and i have missed so many sunday arvos together :( Jas' birthday pressie is still with me (AND HER BIRTHDAY WAS IN JAN! wtf.). eLin and i had... oh a grand total of two meet-ups? I haven't caught up with ANYONE ELSE...? O.M.G. W.T.F.
Abrupt end cos i'm damn stun by how i've spent my past few months. Depressed.......................

Thursday, April 01, 2010

argh, i can't stand the heat!

Landed earlier this morning in Changi to freaking ridiculous hot, humid weather :( Nearly wanted to die in that cab on the way back. So hot and stuffy! And that's after i asked the driver to turn DOWN the aircon temperature and UP the fan speed... TWICE!!
I miss Seoul already! I WANNA GO BACK!!!