Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
wHat's yOur aCcent?
I recently met up with a friend i haven't seen for the past 20 odd months.
First thing he asked after we exchanged pleasantaries, was whether i had adopted the Aussie accent since i've been in Sydney all this while.
When i replied that i had not (or at least, i don't think i have), he said he picked it up barely a week into his stay in Melbourne a few years ago.
This got me thinking:-
I'm a Malaysian-born Singaporean, raised in a former British Colonized country, educated in what should be a British-English environment, grew up with American sitcoms (anyone remember Punky Brewster and Full House??? oh! Blossom anyone?), spent a good 4 1/2 years of my grad/postgrad years in Australia... how should i sound? What IS my accent?? You tell me!
Although i don't set out to adopt any particular accent, i don't particularly favor the local Singlish that is used. Yes i do know (and use) Singlish when i order food from the hawker centre auntie, or to greet the old Malay pak-ciks and mak-ciks who clean the void-decks and corridors of our estate every morning, but i certainly don't like it. But then again, how else can you communicate with locals who have been exposed to nothing but the local (very poor!) version of the English language?! *sigh*
While i did not set out to (deliberately) adopt the Australian accent during my years there, i DO know i speak the English language properly, and not as an average Singaporean here does, i.e. in Singlish. I have never felt (and still do not, by the way) the need to put on a fake accent just to prove something to others. What these people are out to prove, i do not know... perhaps they feel more atas speaking in a fake British/American/Aussie accent..???
I'm not sure how this entry started out now... or where it's leading... but seriously, what IS my accent? I'm confused -______- after years living DownUnder, when i speak with the locals there, i'm never mistaken for a local local. I have, however, been asked if i grew up in the States!!!
"You have an American accent" they said. "We assumed you grew up in the States!"
Geez... and to think i've never been to America before... must be all those sitcoms i watched in Primary School! Ah, the power of media!!!
** all this crap is just on ENGLISH alone... when i converse in Mandarin, that's an entirely different story. "Are you Chinese/Taiwanese?" -______-
***the above is a VERY disorganized and somewhat contradictory entry, written while i was in desperate need of zzzzzzzz, yet for the 4th night in a row, find myself unable to fall asleep at 3 in the morning x.X
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
hOw weLL dO U kNow YoUr wOrLd??
finally fell asleep at 4-ish this morning, but was wide awake, up and about by 7.
don't know why :(
anyways, spent the last hour random surfing (i do little of anything else these days really...)
came across THIS
try it!!! challenge your knowledge in Geography :) where's the Western Wall? can you point out the exact location of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy on the Atlas?
i haven't managed to go beyond Level 6 >___<
i suck (big time!!!) on the South American and African countries :p
there are 12 in total. let me know if you go all the way yea??
don't know why :(
anyways, spent the last hour random surfing (i do little of anything else these days really...)
came across THIS
try it!!! challenge your knowledge in Geography :) where's the Western Wall? can you point out the exact location of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy on the Atlas?
i haven't managed to go beyond Level 6 >___<
i suck (big time!!!) on the South American and African countries :p
there are 12 in total. let me know if you go all the way yea??
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
cUt & bLoW
oh & some really, really shiok deep-cleanse/protein hair+scalp treatment thingy :)
i lurrrrve going to Ivy's place for a little TLC on the hair.
2 hours of pure relaxation.
Chin Yee's hands worked wonders on my head with that massage today.
Monday, February 25, 2008
iS theRe aN eArtHQuakE sOmewHere???
... ... ... ...
Update @ 5:07pm :- 7.2-magnitude quake hits Indonesia, tsunami warning issued (this just in from
so it wasn't our imagination!!!
the tremors we felt... mum's giddiness... the flowers we saw shaking in their vases...
gOt moRe biMbotiC or nOt huh???
(read above title with the MOST Singlish English you can muster ok? hurhur!)
Was at Ngee Ann City's Crystal Jade Kitchen last night with a friend when i witnessed the ultimate bimbo in action.
Young SG girl in a pair of one of the most indecently short mini-skirts i've seen in a looooong looooooong time (and i've seen plenty really; back in Aust.).
Middle-aged Jap guy who was obviously only in SG for work or hols'.
Both were shamelessly flirting with each other.
And eeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuw! Get this ---> the girl was baby-talking to the guy, trying to act all kawaii. Hurhurhurhur!! No no we weren't mistaken. It was pretty obvious really, 'cos when she spoke with the wait-staff or during certain parts of their conversation, her rotten English came through in what i can only assume is her normal deeper voice. But otherwise, speaking/flirting with the Jap guy, she went all high-pitched and spoke English like those Jap girls. You know how the real Japs. speak English right? no NOT Singlish... ENGLISH!!! Just with their own distinct accent (which i think is really cute btw. but of 'cos that's only when it comes from a REAL Jap with the whole Jap accent ^^ not from some fake!!!).
So neways, this bimbo was trying to imitate them!!! WAHAHAHA!!!
And then, she asked the guy how to count from 1-10 in Jap. She then tried repeating after the guy, going "ichi, ni, sam... no??? *giggle giggle* ichi, ni, san, san... yes? *giggle giggle*......"
OMG!!! friend and i had the hardest time trying to concentrate on our congee and not burst out laughing!!! like, hellooooooooooo???!!! what was with the giggling??? and the high-pitched 'dey' voice??
Then the guy taught the girl the word Kawaii. And the girl replied that she "know that one!! means cute mah! like me!". And the guy went "ah??? hmmm... i believe!". EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuW!!! wo de mo-mo yao zhan liao la.... hao leng!!
Waaaaaaaaaah! tak boleh tahan!! friend was so cute!! staring at me with huuuuuuge innocent eyes, trying to keep a straight face from across the table O.o
After paying for their food, the girl asked the guy how much it cost.
"$80 something" he said.
"Is that very expensive?" he asked.
"Oh no! that's normal. very average." she said.
In my head i was thinking "WHAT!!! friend and i were having dinner at THE SAME RESTAURANT right next to them but our bill is barely $20!! ni bei ka le la!! haha!".
last night's bimbo made me think of the Sunday Times article yesterday about Singaporean women demanding too much from their men (yadda yadda yadda...); how do these women expect to be given any respect when they act like such airheads???!!! like, WTF!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I coULd have diEd aNd nO one heLPed !!!
okok, a little toooooo drama there... but still, i could have broken my back/legs/arms/something/anything (!!!) if i had gone down that overhead bridge head-first...
so neways, Jaime and i were just starting to descend the steps of the pedestrian overhead bridge yday evening when my left heel went CRAZY on me and i skidded down the steps!!! a good 4 - 5 steps!!! it all happened so quickly!!! 1 minute we were walking down, then the next, i was FLYING (or so i thought) !!! it was all i could do to put my weight backwards (by leaning back, obviously), else i could have gone down head-first, and i'll be blogging now from the hospital bed >____<
thing is, when i stopped after the first 5 steps or so, Jaime was holding on to my arm trying to help me gain back my balance when i went down another 4 - 5 steps!!! it happened so so SO fast, it was ccccccccrrrrrrrrrrazy!!! i really really thought i was going to roll all the way down that long flight of steps and die at the foot of the bridge!
i can't thank God enough that Jaime was with me. thank God i wasn't seriously hurt in any way x'cept for blue/blacks on my legs now. oh and i chipped paint off a toenail and broke another toenail. but yea, that was it. no blood. wasn't messy. =P
infact, once i finally regained balance, my first thoughts went to the sandals on my feet!!! the poor poooooooor things!! :( you should see them really. my heart aches for them.... one of my fav. pairs :(((
and then! my next thought!!! no one (NONE AT ALL) bothered to help Jaime and i. NO ONE!!! they were so many people on that bridge, both going up and down. and the coffeeshop next to the bridge was full of diners having dinner. yet not ONE single soul offered to reach out to grab my arm or even ASK if we needed assistance while we were half sat/kneel on the steps!!! infact, people going up/down the stairs walked right past us just like that!!! it was as if we were invisible!! ah... and the diners at the coffeeshop... oh no, not one bothered to come forth to ask if we needed help, but it didn't stop them from staring at us. yea go on you Scums of Society... look on won't you?! just sit there stuffing your ugly faces with food and looking on as someone slips down the stairs right in front of you won't you?! no need to see if she's ok; wasn't you that got hurt so it really doesn't matter... wtf!!!
yea so neways...
if you asked me how or what i felt there and then (apart from thinking "my poor shoooooooes!!!"), i'll tell you this: sure for the first 2 minutes or so, i thought: this is soooooooo embarrassing!!! CAN DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
then: thank God thank God THANK GOD Jaime's here and she was walking right next to me!!
but then! when it struck me that all these fellow Singaporeans around us were walking right past and around us, blatantly ignoring us 2, couldn't be bothered to show ANY concern or extent a helping hand... i thought: these poor poor people!!! how pathetic their lifes! to not know how to show care, concern, love... to not know friendliness and helpfulness and sympathy/empathy... poor THEM!!!
* that's how "warm, friendly and helpful" our fellow citizens are. puiiii!
** before you go all "ha! you deserve it, for wearing sky-high heels out", lemme tell you there were not SKY-high heels; there were comfy one-inch sandals from Charles & Keith albeit a very oooooooold pair x.X
***the sandals are gone. Gone. GONE. =(
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
the 12 yo cousin has an iPod.
i'm still using my trusty ANCIENT 'FM Stereo' Receiver.
i is damn damn outdated like that.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
heading across the Causeway in another hour or so.
i dread the long car ride to KL.
hate the horrid traffic, the place, the peeps.
if not for family members still there, i try not to go over as much as i can O.o
but we're sending 婆婆 back today, so......
and i do miss Ann and Tim-boy (the not-so-little-anymore cousins).
won't get to see Qianqian, Shangzuo, Shanghan though...
not likely we'll drive to Penang on the same day -_____-
but yeah, i missed seeing them during CNY since i didn't go into Msia...
ah well... pray for a Blessed, safe journey!!
***prolly gonna plug in the headphones and sleep through the 4+ hour journey; must remember to bring sunnies :p
i dread the long car ride to KL.
hate the horrid traffic, the place, the peeps.
if not for family members still there, i try not to go over as much as i can O.o
but we're sending 婆婆 back today, so......
and i do miss Ann and Tim-boy (the not-so-little-anymore cousins).
won't get to see Qianqian, Shangzuo, Shanghan though...
not likely we'll drive to Penang on the same day -_____-
but yeah, i missed seeing them during CNY since i didn't go into Msia...
ah well... pray for a Blessed, safe journey!!
***prolly gonna plug in the headphones and sleep through the 4+ hour journey; must remember to bring sunnies :p
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
VaLentiNe's daY '08
... No wait! Make that Valentine's WEEK :)
He was in town 8 to 16 Feb :))) and i got to spend 8 wonderful days with him doing (pretty much) nothing but lazing around!
8 Feb:-
He landed just before 11pm and we cabbed-it home when he finally cleared immi & customs at 11:30pm. That 30-40minutes of waiting were some of the longest waiting times ever! It felt like HOURS!!
**we later joked that his coming over on 初二was just like how if married, the couple would have to 回娘家on the second day of the Lunar New Year. hurhurhur!
9 Feb:-
The Boy and i spent the morning nua-ing before heading out to VivoCity for lunch and coffee.

We came home at 4-ish to find the rest of the family home from Msia.
The rest of the day was pretty much spent taking care of dinner, giving the parents a chance to 'get-to-know' The Boy, and then taking a loooooooooooong sloooooooooooow walk in the evening around the Estate ^^
10 Feb:-
Church at 11am.
Claire and Louis totally surprised us!! Especially Claire! It's not often she's receptive to strangers... but that day when she saw The Boy (for the first time ever!!) at Church, she didn't shy away or start to cry! In fact, i returned to our seats after Holy Communion to find her already warmed up to The Boy and giggling away as he played with her!! AMAZING!!
The rest of the afternoon was spent preparing for dinner... because that evening was our ACTUAL Reunion Dinner! With The Chua's (read: Jerome, Jie, Claire and Louis), 婆婆 and The Boy :)))
~It wouldn't be Reunion Dinner if it weren't steamboat... agree? hurhurhur.
11 Feb:-
Went for a run early Mon. morning; Washed (& waxed) the car -- The Boy did. Not i of course :p
Headed into town for food, food and more food!
Laksa, bbt at Ling & my fav. bbt hangout, local goodies - Popiah and Kueh Pie Ti at OG Albert Complex, Rochor's Beancurd place...... can die!! Ate sooooooo much in 1 day -_______-

We tried our best to work off the calories by exploring the Bugis area on foot. hurhurhur!
Oh! And we caught Kungfu Dunk that evening.
***Yes Ling, your bf was very cute indeed :p
12 Feb:-
Didn't do much during the day really...
Spent time playing with Louis in the morning before heading out for lunch.
Ah! Food! Again...! Let me tick off all the sinful stuff we had that day... Chee Cheong Fun, Soon Kueh, Yam Cake, Hakka food at Maxwell...
oh oh!!! And let's not forget dinner!!!
The Boy and i had dinner with Yuan and Yisheng... at Geylang!
And we had......
You guessed it!
Frog(gy) Legs Porridge!!
~The Boy with all the claypots and dishes :p
Haha! Yuan didn't take a very good picture here did she? All you see are the claypots but not the food inside -_____-
He tried Durians.
He was a good sport though.
13 Feb:-
Another day of aimless strolling around town... eating, taking in the sights hand-in-hand, eating, talking nineteen to the dozen, eating......
Lunched with Ling.
Ling: Pass lar.
Caught a late night screening of Jumper.
I think that was (pretty much) all we did that day.
Here are the obligatory touris-y shots taken when we were in town...
~At the Esplanade...
14 Feb:-
We shunned the crowds and money-making schemers on this day and opted for
(1) brekkie at 德宝 --- oOOOOooh! Yum-Cha! I like!!!
(2) a morning of cycling at the East Coast Park
(3) waffles & ice-cream at Gelare!!!
(4) movies - Cj7 in the afternoon; Ah Long Pte Ltd at night
Cj7 was well worth my money.
I can only think of one word to describe Ah Long -- horrible!!
Oh no! Actually i can think of heaps more words to describe Ah Long... and none of them are good! In short, it was such a waste of money & time! BAH!!!
(5) dinner at Chin Chin's at Purvis St. where i had my fav. Hainanese Chicken Rice ^^
15 Feb:-
The Boy decided to make dinner for the family since it was his last evening at our place.
And so, we walked to the Wet Market in Jurong West that morning, had brekkie - local style (read: Fried Bee Hoon and Nasi Lemak), got fresh seafood and veg, then walked home again. It was a loooooooooooong walk indeed! The poor boy... he was wearing daddy's sandals... not the most comfortable pair at that. Haha!
But i love walking with him... doesn't matter if its JUST walking you know? We could be just strolling around the neighbourhood... going round in circles... with no specific destination in mind! I still love it! It gives us time to "walk by each others' side" and just... TALK!
To say dinner that evening was good is an understatement.
The Boy fired up the wok a little after 4pm.
By the time the sisters were back from work and school, and Claire back from Playgroup, The Boy had whipped up 5 fab' dishes. YUM!!
The sisters: He passed.
16 Feb:-
All good things come to an end (or so they say...).
All too soon, we're in a cab... on the way to Changi Airport.
His flight took off at 1-ish that afternoon.
I hung around the airport for a good 15-20minutes after he went through customs; felt a little lost really... after all, i've had 8 (almost) full days with him by my side 24/7... then *poof* he's gone again :(
Neways, so there you have it...
My Valentine's Week '08
Feel truly blessed :)
Thank you God! For providing ALL that You have provided -- and i know You know i'm not taking about food food!
Monday, February 18, 2008
aNimaL feEdinG
i just spent the last 40minutes on FB, feeding my friends' pets and giving 'em gifts
i is damn bored
Sunday, February 17, 2008
PhotO of tHe WeeK...
Claire was thrilled beyond words!!!
Just look at that girl's face!!
That huge 'ha-ha-ha!' look on her face.
Her crazy laughing as he picked her up and carried her on his shoulders still rings in my ears :)))
I've always loved the sight of dads carrying their kids on their shoulders like this! This shot makes me actually consider some of my own! Not now lah! In the future 'ya know?? Just so i get to see 'em on their dad's shoulders :p
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
sO maNy pLaceS to gO to...
so many things to eat!
so many things to see!
so many things to do!
so many things to try!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
what's the point of having trains run from Changi to Tanah Merah at past midnight... when the last train from Tanah Merah to Boon Lay leaves at 2331????? are we suppose to take the train to Tanah Merah, THEN cab it home???
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
mOrniNGs witH lOuis
Since Claire started going to the neighbourhood Playgroup 9 to 5 on weekdays, Louis has our (pretty much) undivided attention at home.
On her way to work every morning, dajie drops the helper and Louis off at our place. After Louis' brekkie and bath, the helper gets going with household chores while i get the baby :)
Louis and i spend a good 2 hours in my room.
I have my lappie switched on, surfing aimlessly, msn-ing...
He goes round my room, his tiny feet going pitter-patter pitter-patter on the parquet floor, opening and closing my cupboards to peek at my books - he never takes anything (not yet anyways :p he just likes to look), climbing onto the bed (then off again... this goes on for abit though i wonder how that can possibly be fun x.X)......
We always have the radio tuned to Y.E.S.93.3FM just cos he loves it when the catchy fast numbers come on, and he starts to do this funny little 'dance' - he waves his arms around while bopping up and down to the music, his diaper-ed bottom almost reaching the floor everytime he goes down :)))
More recently, it being the Chinese New Year period, the DJs have been playing lots more cheena 'dong dong dong chiang' songs. Louis lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrves them!! He goes all excited and starts clapping and laughing (he goes Ha. Ha. Ha.). I'll pick him up and we'll twirl around the room, with me trying desperately to follow the lyrics to the cheena songs (i don't really fancy Chinese New Year songs you see...) while he shrieks and laughs the whole time. He might be laughing at me really!!! The silly er-yi, always ready to make monkey faces, animated gestures and expressions to make him laugh. Hurhurhur!
In the last few days, he has also come to discover the joys of stickers!!! That you can paste 'em on something, peel it up again, and re-paste 'em else where!! And the kid has taken it upon himself to stick dozens of them all over my arms!!! I'll give him a pack of stickers, he'll peel them off the original wrapper, happily paste 'em up my left arm before peeling it off again to stick it on my right arm!!! -_____-
oh the joys of being a kid (toddler... whatever...)
Monday, February 04, 2008
cHaSinG staRs...
the 明星/ 歌星 kind of stars :p
oh my neck (from craning to see the stage)...
oh my aching arms (from all that lugging of CNY goodies around the whole afternoon)...
OH MY POOR FEET!!! from all that standing around waiting... and waiting... and MORE waiting......... oh allllllrighty... that, and shopping too X.x
back to WHY i was standing around waiting.
'cos a certain Jay Chou was in town to promote his latest movie - Kung Fu Dunk
and 'ling wanted to seeeeeeeeeeeee him :p
yea, there we were.
the 2 of us, standing outside Starbucks (Bugis), waiting for him to turn up on stage.
i must say, it was a 'first' for me...
i've never actually gone waiting around for stars to turn up for roadshows/events...
nope, not even for the Backstreet Boys!
(concerts don't count, do they? i mean, you HAVE to queue to get into the concert venue, so that's different...)
well, so we were all standing around... waiting...
then 主持人 佩芬 comes round doing all the intro bits and get some games going on stage.
after a good 20-30 minutes
*drum roll*
lots of screaming, people pushing forward, cameras and mobiles being whipped out...
and then we see Jay Chou on stage.
well, not just him; there were a couple more peeps... the movie director i think... but really! that's not the point is it? the crowd was there to see Jay!!
so yea...
the screaming and camera flashs go on for a bit more - a good 20 - 30 minutes i'm sure... hmmm... maybe longer! i'm not sure... 'cos after 20 minutes or so, 'ling decides she's seen enough of Jay, we fight our way through the crowd and leave.
*heaves sigh of relief*
and so THAT's why my feet hurt...
all that STANDING around WAITING!!!
oh, and all that shopping around before and after the whole Jay Chou thingy.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
pOst #soMethiNG sOmetHinG
It amazes me the things people say and/or do when trying to get out of a relationship.
Oooooooh, the lies!!!
It amazes me even more how some people (usually the one 'in the wrrrrrrrrrong') turns things round and try to make the 受害者 feel bad!!
"The ex gave us his blessings when i broke off with him to go out with you... why can't YOU be as gracious, give the new bf and i YOUR blessings now???"
'Hon, the fact that she could already have a new place rented for, ready to move in, and a new man to hook up with, all in under 30days, just means she's had it all planned out while still living under the same roof with you!! Oooooooooh, how her evil, scheming mind works behind that pretty face......
She's not worth your getting upset over; she's just not worth it.
You deserve better.
Friday, February 01, 2008
LIME and BSB!!
been doing lots of 'spring cleaning' around the house - in between babysitting, reading and catching up on some K-dramas...
guess what i found???!!!
LIME magazines!!! with the Backstreet Boys on the covers!!! OMG! can't believe i kept them all these years... from the VERY FIRST issue (Nov 1996). i think the last issue i ever brought was in 2001. and then! i just stopped. just like that.
i used to love BSB to death when i was younger. it all started when the ex showed me their "i'll never break your heart" MV. one look at Nick... and Kev! *swoon*
neways, yea... i was still in Sec. sch then... :) i used to record their MVs and replay them over & over again. the ex used to get their CDs for me... so did the ex after that... i only ever wanted ORIGINAL CDs for BSB :))) STOP PIRACY you know??? :p
oh oh! i even went for their concert here with Jas when they came to SG!!! Jan 2006, right Jas? right Jas??!!! coooooooolness!
i don't do anymore 'idol-chasing' these days... people my age don't do that now do that??? ah well... just as well... think how much money i can save from not buying up magazines after magazines of idols on front covers and centrefolds O.o
*** that's not to say i don't have my fav. bands or singers... nOOOooooooo! i still love BSB heeeeeeeeaps!!! i do i do I DO! and then there's Lee Hom... oh and JJ... oh oh! 阿沁! Kwan Sang Woo and and............